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Italy news 04 (2019): GENOCIDE! Southern Italy+Mediterranean Sea with toxic waste+nuclear waste - mafia, Tettamanti+Berlusconi, secret services, EU governments, "USA", NATO etc.
ITALY = CONTAMINATED = cancer Zone !!! = exclusion zone !!! - Since the late 1980s, the Mafia buries in southern Italy toxic waste + nuclear waste to 30m deep and throws that also into the Mediterranean - this is garbage from Germany, Norway, France, "USA", Austria, etc. - The Rome government was itself 30 years Mafia, above all Berlusconi with his financier Tettamanti, also Brussels + NATO are involved etc. - And nobody wants to get the toxic waste + nuclear waste out !!!
Book of Mattioli and Palladino: "Garbage Mafia" - orig. German: "Die Müllmafia" (2012), with FIDINAM, Tettamanti and Ermotti
Book of Gian Trepp: "Swiss Connection. The hidden side of Swiss Finance Business" (orig. German: "Swiss Connection. Die verborgene Seite der schweizer Finanzwirtschaft")
Map 2: Region of Naples with the Triangle of Death (triangolo della morte), where largest quantities of toxic waste and nuclear waste are buried, with the cornerstones Acerra, Marigliano and Nola [map 2]
Mafia funds are normally on the Vatican Bank or on UBS of cr. P2 Switzerland.
The word "environment protection" does not emerge in the Fantasy Bible and therefore this word is NOT KNOWN in Catholic perverse Italy.
by Michael Palomino (2019)
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GENOCIDE in Southern Italy - Example: ship "Cunsky" with 120 nuclear waste barrels near Paola - nuclear waste from Norway - Bosasso harbor in Somalia - Venneri, vice president from Legambiente - toxic garbage ships sunk in Italy, Spain, Greece, Africa (Somalia), Asia - 32-41 waste ships sunk - burried nuclear waste - toxic+nuclear waste from N,F,D, "USA" - dumping with Italian NATO- Tyrrhenian Sea is poison soup - Triangle of Death near Naples - most toxic+nuclear garbage from Germany (Kohl, Schröder, Merkel) - NATO near Naples with measurements and 2 years limit - toxic gases - cancer, thyroid, allergies, miscarriages, Hashimoto etc. - children are killed by leucemia - vegetables with 500fold over the safety limits for cadmium+arsenic+lead
In fact, this systematic contamination of the Mediterranean Sea since the 1980s is GENOCIDE against animals and humans.
Summary: Italy is contaminated - GENOCIDE!
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
Italy is poisoned, Italy is a hell, Italy is the garbage basket of Europe, the mafia organizes toxic waste and nuclear waste from all over Europe and even from the "USA", the main criminal organizers are the presidents (Berlusconi and his financer Tito Tettamanti with his Fidinam!) with the criminal P2 lodge - and the transport ministers of Austria and Switzerland (in Switzerland they were: Leuenberger and Leuthard) who let pass everything. The mafia buries the toxic waste and the nuclear waste or lets it sink it on old cargo ships to the ground of the Mediterranean Sea. The Jesus Fantasy Church does not intervene, because the Church collaborates with the mafia washing the drug funds in the Vatican Bank of cr.ped.gay Vatican and does not intervene.
Italy is a hell of cancer, thymus dysfunctions, leukemia, infertility, poisoned vegetables are 500 times more contaminated than the limit of lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc. - with miscarriages, with baby tumors, Italy is a hell like Iraq and the city of Arica in Chile etc.
Irak: Cr. NATO with uranium ammunition in Iraq: desert dust in the whole country + uranium contamination in Yugoslavia+Kosovo durch Uranmunition: link (English)This contamination has been organized since the end of the 1980s, so, it lasts already 30 years long.
Arica in Chile: Link 1: toxic earth from Sweden (Spanish) - Link 2: Health damages (Spanish)
Italy is a genocide, Italy has at the lowest birth rate of Europe - because of the 30 years lasting contamination with toxic waste and nuclear waste - when you have contacts, distribute these data, one has to communicate these data, one has to inform the world, Italy is like a Fukushima with radioactivity in the ta water etc. just with the difference that the government of Italy is the mafia itself, they don't want to stop all this !!!
Italy has become giant disaster. Here is a website with the details:
What has Tettamanti to do with Italy? MUCH!
Tito Tettamanti is a very criminal Swiss person:
1) He was corrupt and was kicked out of Ticino Parliament (South of Switzerland) and then he founded a law firm for criminal purposes
2) This law firm Fidinam was spreading groups in Italy shouting the rumor that Italy would not be safe with a big Communist Party and all Italian money would be safe in Switzerland, and with this propaganda (instead of bettering Italy with technical devices or garbage incineration plants) he robbed all Italian money saving it in Lugano and in Liechtenstein
3) With the interests of these Italian billions, Tettamanti was building up grey sky scrapers in all the world and became mafia member (P2 lodge of Vatican)
4) as a billionaire he was playing a "wolf" against Swiss companies purchasing shares claiming action without knowing details about the business of the companies (!)
5) as Tettamanti is also a member of P2/P3 lodge of the Vatican, he was not only supporting the showman Berlusconi, but he organized GARBAGE TRADE to South of Italy contaminating all South of Italy together with his mafia friends, and in the sea between Neaples and Sicily are about 30 garbage ships on the sea ground, partially with radioactive waste, so all nature in South of Italy is contaminated, fruits and vegetables and the sea water are radioactive, cancer is spreading, birth rate of surviving children is sinking, there are many deformed children not living for long, there are many abortive births - Italy is a desaster, and Tettamanti was ORGANIZING THIS WITH HIS FIDINAM Trust and mafia friends. Link with contaminated Italy:
see this page downwards.
6) Rumors from Swiss justice circles say that this FIDINAM trust is also an interchange for drugs from Panama, and drug money is stored in UBS AG on blocked private bank accounts and fake sub accounts of these blocked private bank accounts.
7) Tettamanti NEVER PAYS ANY COMPENSATION for his damage he committed to the world, especially to Italy. He is one of the leading mafia persons and is blackmailing the whole world with his mafia connections, especially he is the boss of UBS AG and installed Ermotti as UBS boss - who came from Fidinam. The first prosecutor in Basel where all goods from Europe come in for passing to Italy is Mr. Fabbri - also from Ticino...
After a little research there was the following SMS message to an insider in cr. Switzerland:
June 4, 2019 - SMS: IL is at greatest risk because the Southern Italy Mafia (Ndrangheta) systematically contaminates the Mediterranean with toxic waste
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
June 4, 2019 - 0:37:40h - Lima time - translation (translation)
You certainly know that the Mediterranean Sea has been poisoned by the P2 + Ndrangheta mafia since the 1980s? Toxic waste of the EU is loaded on old ships, which are then sunk. The criminals are in international garbage smuggling, amont others the criminals are Tito Tettamanti + Silvio Berlusconi as well as EU governments + the Swiss government, which lets run the garbage passing Switzerland [from Germany to Italy]. [The ex government members] Leuenberger + Rey were Ndranghetta members. Why does European politics nothing against this? Why do Swiss media not report that? Because the criminal Tettamanti dominates the Swiss media. And the Zionist organizations Mossad-akdh + Mossad-Psiram are defaming pioneers instead of protecting the planet!
So, this poison soup from southern Italy will also reach Tel Aviv + Haifa. The water currents of the sea don't make any exception. In this case, Israel has the right to eliminate the mafia + could take over the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against the mafia, because the EU cannot do that! [EU is mafia itself!] Greetings from Mother Earth www.med-etc.com
After a little research there was a second SMS message to an insider in cr. Switzerland:
June 4, 2019 - SMS 2: The criminal EU and the Ndrangheta Mafia in southern Italy are contaminating the Mediterranean Sea with toxic waste and nuclear waste - they are playing "sinking ships" + they are provoking a second Fukushima in the Mediterranean region
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
June 4, 2019 - 1:02:26h - Lima time (translation)
Mr. ... what is lying on the seabed in southern Italy, are not only old cargo ships with toxic waste from Central Europe (from Merkel-Germany, etc.) and northern Italy, but there are also ships with ATOMIC WASTE on the seabed! Specifically, this means that the masses are distracted by mobile phones + political blabla from Mossad-akdh and Mossad-Psiram [where pioneers are defamed], and at the same time, the Italian mafia is building a Fukushima in the Mediterranean Sea area, which unnoticed by the Mossad media. This will contaminate also all Moses Fantasy Jewish and all Mohammed Fantasy Muslim beaches in the Mediterranean Sea area. Why does the Mossad tolerate this? Because he is involved in drug trafficking with the Italian mafia.
So it needs the input from the outside. Can akdh bring this topic about the pollution of the Mediterranean Sea region? That would make sense, instead of just reading religious fantasy books or distributing fake fishing files with Tettamanti on the Internet. Greetings from Mother Earth, Michael Palomino, www.med-etc.com
June 4, 2019 - SMS 3: The Conclusions: Italy must be cleaned up, all poison ships must be lifted - Berlusconi + Tettamanti must go to jail
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
4.6.2019 - 13: 24: 23h - Lima time (translation)
The Italian garbage mafia in the Mediterranean Part 3: All garbage ships must be lifted, all toxic waste must be lifted, all barrels with nuclear waste must be liefted. The mafia must be dissolved.
The main criminals Berlusconi + Tettamanti (who finances the criminal Berlusconi!) have to be imprisoned for contamination + mass murder of fish + other marine animals + for contamination of 200,000 hectares of land in southern Italy with poisoning of groundwater with damage to millions of people with z.T. high cancer rates [and always rising death rates!].
Mr. Berlusconi is not just a womanizer, but he is a Satanist + allows the contamination of his country + he sacrifices half of Italy if he is not arrested. It can be assumed that Tettamanti + Berlusconi are abused children of Catholic "tradition" + because they were abused, they abuse others. They only stop when they are handcuffed. Michael Palomino www.med-etc.com
(There is a fishing warning with this web site, this fishing warning is installed by Tettamanti's hacker group, just ignore it!)
Circular e-mail June 4, 2019: Data with proofs about Tettamanti and Berlusconi with the garbage mafia and Ndrangheta: 200,000 hectars of land are contaminated, and the Mediterranean Sea is contaminated
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
by Michael Palomino, June 4, 2019
Information about criminal Tettamanti and Berlusconi: Tettamanti was financing Berlusconi, and together they organized garbage smuggling and contaminating South of Italy:
Sandro Mattioli, portrait [4]
Andrea Palladino, portrait [5]
Gian Trepp, portrait [6]
Big parts of south of Italy are contaminated with waste and garbage from Central Europe, and Tettamanti and Berlusconi were collecting their profits by this.Also a ship with atomic waste was sunk in Southern Italy:article in German of 2009:--- Die Presse (in German) https://diepresse.com/home/panorama/klimawandel/508339/Sueditalien_Mafia-versenkt-Atommuell-im-Meer--- n-tv (in German) https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Mafia-vergiftet-Mittelmeer-article513588.html"Dozens of ships, reportedly carrying cargos of what could be thousands of barrels of radioactive and toxic wastes have been intentionally sunk off the shores of Italy, Spain, Greece and as far away as Africa and Asia, by the International Ecomafia led by Calabria’s ‘Ndrangheta organized crime syndicate."-- 2013: Triangle of Death near Naples (in English): http://www.italychronicles.com/beware-toxic-italian-food/"Alarmingly, an area of Italy close to Naples has been christened the Triangle of Death by locals. It is an area where the camorra mafia has been running a very lucrative, highly illegal and dangerous, toxic waste dumping business."As news show the Italian Mafia does not stop with toxic waste in the Mediterranean Sea in Southern Italy:--- 2017: 200.000 hectars of Southern Italy are contaminated and people die there of high cancer rates:Article of German Radio "Deutschlandfunk" (in German)-- 2017: More than 40 percent of Italian coastline is polluted (in English)--- 2018: Italian Mafia sinks German toxic garbage in the Mediterranean Sea: article from Focus 2018 (in German): https://www.focus.de/finanzen/news/schlag-gegen-italienischen-clan-in-deutschland-millionengeschaeft-italienische-mafia-versenkt-deutschen-toxischen-muell-im-meer_id_8272069.html========
June 4, 2019: The big danger in the Mediterranean region: TETTAMANTI+BERLUSCONI+mafia criminals go to prison! - And: toxic waste and atomic waste have to be TAKEN OUT of the sea! - This is a GENOCIDE!
Michael Palomino, portrait with Inca cross with Mother Earth and web sites
All countries of the Mediterranean Sea are IN HEAVY DANGER by this Italian mafia! And the two Satanic P2-members Tito Tettamanti and Berlusconi are of the main criminals! STOP THEM! Stop this Ndrangheta Mafia!
Defend the Mediterranean Sea!
Tito Tettamanti and Berlusconi and Ndrangheta Mafia have to go to prison!
All toxic waste and atomic waste has to be taken out of the Mediterranean Sea! Ndrangheta Mafia has to pay!
In fact, this systematic contamination of the Mediterranean Sea since the 1980s is GENOCIDE against animals and humans.
Michael Palomino, 4.6.2019
Articles in German from 2009:
--- Die Presse (in German) https://diepresse.com/home/panorama/klimawandel/508339/Sueditalien_Mafia-versenkt-Atommuell-im-Meer--- n-tv (in German) https://www.n-tv.de/panorama/Mafia-vergiftet-Mittelmeer-article513588.html
Paola (Southern Italy) - Sep.14, 2009: Mafia boss Fonti admits: Near southern Italy, a vessel with 120 containers of nuclear waste was sunk - the ship "Cunsky" is 28km off the coast - 1989-2009 so far 32 ships with nuclear waste were sunk in the Mediterranean:
Southern Italy: Mafia sinking nuclear waste in the sea
(original German: Süditalien: Mafia versenkt Atommüll im Meer) https://diepresse.com/home/panorama/klimawandel/508339/Sueditalien_Mafia-versenkt-Atommuell-im-Meer
<A former mafia boss has admitted having sunk a ship with 120 containers of nuclear waste off southern Italy. This type of disposal is common mafia practice, environmentalists say.
On the seabed off the coast of southern Italy, the wreckage of a freighter with 120 containers of nuclear waste has been discovered. The 110-meter-long "Cunsky" lies 28 kilometers off the coast about 500 meters below sea level. This was admitted by the prosecutor of Paola in Calabria on Monday.
Where the nuclear waste comes from is unclear. According to prosecution service, former mafioso Francesco Fonti has confessed having sunk the "Cunsky" with an explosion. With the help of his statements, the wreck could now be located. However, the "Cunsky" is apparently not an isolated case: According to the findings of the investigators, the mafia is said having sunk a total of 32 ships with toxic waste in the Mediterranean.
Practice for 20 years? - [Environmental protection organization Legambiente: toxic waste has been sunk in the Mediterranean since 1994 - since 1989 nuclear waste has been sunk in the Mediterranean]
The environmental organization Legambiente has complained since 1994 that toxic waste is being sunk in the Mediterranean. The mafia has been paid for 20 to make disappear atomic waste in this way, a Legambiente spokesman says.
The Environmental Officer of the region of Calabria, Mr. Silvestro Greco, required from the Italian Ministry for the Environment to investigate because Calabria has not the financial resources to do so.
Mediterranean Sea around Italy - June 5, 2009: Warnings of Vice-Chairman Venneris of Legambiente - nuclear waste on the sunken freighter "Cunsky" 28km before Paola: 120 nuclear waste barrels - Mediterranean Sea is a toxic waste dumping site since at least 1992 - at least 32 other nuclear waste ships in the Mediterranean - Mafia governments Craxi + Berlusconi etc. do not act but sacrifice the population for profits - Venneri of Legambiente: fish from the Mediterranean is all poisoned:
Submerged nuclear waste: Mafia poisoned Mediterranean Sea
(original German: Versenkter Atommüll Mafia vergiftet Mittelmeer)
Calabria: 120 containers of nuclear waste near Paola on the "Cunsky" in the Mediterranean Sea -- Mafia whistleblower presents his story - [detonators - explosives from NL - nuclear waste from Norway -- The Ndrangheta mafia exports nuclear waste also to Africa - via the Bossasso port in Somalia - ships with radioactive waste were sunk with Italian NATO (!) near the Africa's east coast -- No danger for bathers - in 1995, nuclear waste was "found" near Sicily - freighter "Koralin" - Ministry of Justice in Rome does not act and refuses financial support for the prosecutor service in Naples! -- Venneri of Legambiente claims: beaches are clean - but the fish from the Mediterranean are all poisoned
The article (translation):
[Calabria: 120 containers of nuclear waste near Paola on the "Cunsky" in the Mediterranean Sea]
<For years, hardly anyone has taken him seriously, but now Sebastiano Venneri's worst fears have been confirmed: The Italian mafia has apparently abused the Mediterranean Sea for decades as a duming site for toxic waste, including radioactive waste.
28 kilometers off the coast line, the prosecution service of the town of Paola [Wikipedia link (Engl.)] in Calabria discovered the wreck of the ship "Cunsky". The load was: 120 containers full of nuclear waste. According to a confesseing companion [Francesco Fonti], the mafiosi had sunk the ship there in the 1990s. It is probably only the beginning of a revelation story that already looks like a bottomless pit. There is a lot of poison under the waves of the Mediterranean, at least since 1992 and without any control.
Venneri is Vice-President of the environmental organization Legambiente, which since 1994 has been trying to draw public attention to mafia toxic waste practices. However, it took the testimony of a remorseful criminal until the investigators made their frightening find at 500 meters in early September [2009]. Meanwhile, the prosecution service believes that there are at least 32 more cases.
January 2006: Mafia whistleblower Francesco Fonti presents his story - [detonators - explosives from NL - nuclear waste from Norway]
[Fonti]: "It was in January, about half past eight in the evening," remembered [Fonti], the former member of the Calabrian mafia organization Ndrangheta, when in 2006 he gave his confession to the Milan prosecutor about the sinking of the "Cunsky" on record. "We had detonators with us," he continued, describing how the organization brought the freighter to sink. The explosives had come from the Netherlands, the nuclear waste was of Norwegian origin, he added. And then he told the investigators exactly where to look for the "Cunsky" off the coast of Calabria. More than three years later, on September 12, 2009, they finally discover the wreckage.
[The Ndrangheta mafia exports nuclear waste also to Africa - via the Bossasso port in Somalia - ships with radioactive waste were sunk with Italian NATO (!) near the Africa's east coast]
But the mafia dropout had not yet reached the end of his revelations. The week after the find, he reported to the Italian press about further organized crime activities. So the 'Ndrangheta brought thousands of barrels with radioactive content to Africa. Under the eyes of the Italian army [criminal NATO!] those had been brought to disappearance in the Somali port of Bosasso which was then under Italian control.
No danger for bathers - [in 1995, nuclear waste was "found" near Sicily - freighter "Koralin" - Ministry of Justice in Rome does not act and refuses financial support for the prosecutor service in Naples!]
Also when in 1995 at the northern coast line of Sicily atomic waste was found which came from the sunken freighter "Koralin", this was not especially interesting for the Italian authorities. Ministry of Justice in Rome was clising the files at that time. Additionally, the former public prosecutor from Calabria reproches the Ministry having rejected the support of 50,000 euro for more investigation "without any explanation". Perhaps the Italian state was only without care, environment protector Venneri says. "But one should not forget the possibility that the affairs should be kept secret under the carpet."
[Venneri of Legambiente claims: beaches are clean - but the fish from the Mediterranean are all poisoned]
According to the statement of Venneri, the bather tourists of the Mediterranean are in no direct danger by toxic and radiating waste. However, there is another matter with fauna - and with the food chain also for humans. Eating fish from the Mediterranean is a "risk of finding toxic substances on the plate", Venneri says.
Source: n-tv.de, AFP>
Sep.18,2019: The Mediterranean Sea is radioactive dumping site since 1980s - Craxi+Berlusconi etc.+secret services conceal all - toxic garbage ships sunk in Italy, Spain, Greece, Africa (Somalia), Asia - Whistleblower Fonti about the nuclear waste ship Cunsky near Cetraro - Greenpeace: 32-41 nuclear "disappeared" waste ships - Nuclear waste at Amantea buried on a mountain - toxic waste+nuclear waste from N, F, D, "USA" - cr. Italian NATO in Somalia collaborating sinking ships - Tyrrhenian Sea is poison soup:
The Nuclear Dump in the Mediterranean Sea
The author:
Atomic waste sunk on ships: Mediterranean Sea is an atomic waste dumping site since the 1980s -- Waste contamination of the seas with atomic waste at the coast lines of Italy, Spain, Greece, Africa+Asia - criminal Italian mafia governments Craxi+Berlusconi etc. and Italien secret services protected everything -- Atomic waste ship Cunsky near Cetraro - epidemics at Italian coast lines with cancer and thyroid gland problems -- Centers of atomic contamination of Mediterranean Sea: Calabria, Basilikata, Apulia, Greece, Spain - whole Mediterranean -- Documentations of Greenpeace+Legambiente are not sufficient - Greenpeace research for 32-41 "disappeared" ships -- Whistleblower Fonti 2005 about 3 sunk ships: Cunsky, Yvonne A, Voriais Sporadais - Beginning of September 2009: detection of Cunsky with atomic waste barrels -- Up to 41 toxic waste ships sunk in the world by mafia -- Amantea (Calabria): mercury+Cesium 137 in the water - dumping site of ship Jolly Rosso on a hill - NO action of Berlusconi government! -- Offer of Japan to remove the garbage ships - Italian government (Craxi, Berlusconi etc.!) and Italian secret service SISMI are absolutely criminal collaborating with dumping of ships -- The complete Italian government (Berlusconi etc.!) is mafia - the Member of Parliament in Rome, Leoluca Orlando -- Supplement: Satanists are contaminating the world because they want more ill people consuming more pharma pills -- Neri doesn't know anything - Fonti: toxic waste+atomic waste from Norway, France, Germany, "USA" -- Garbage mafia from Italy to Somalia - Rai journalist Ilaria Alpi shot in 1994 - Italian NATO collaborating with garbage smuggling -- Journalist Michael Leonardi in Calabira - Thyrrenian Sea is highly contaminated with toxic waste and atomic waste - government agents protected this
The article:
[Atomic waste sunk on ships: Mediterranean Sea is an atomic waste dumping site since the 1980s]
Now being overshadowed by the deaths of 6 Italian soldiers in the growingly unpopular war in Afghanistan, another deadly and sinister Tragedy is brewing. In the beckoning blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea that surround the Italian Peninsula and its islands, and which laps at the coasts of 22 countries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, a hidden legacy of the Sea being used as a disposal site for radioactive and other toxic wastes for over 20 years is beginning to come to light. What some inside the halls of government are calling an international catastrophe, runs the risk of being swept under the table once again by an Italian Government [Berlusconi etc.!] that has been colluding and embroiled in this ecological and public health disaster from its beginnings.
[Waste contamination of the seas with atomic waste at the coast lines of Italy, Spain, Greece, Africa+Asia - criminal Italian mafia governments Craxi+Berlusconi etc. and Italien secret services protected everything]
Dozens of ships, reportedly [by prosecutor services] carrying cargos of what could be thousands of barrels of radioactive and toxic wastes have been intentionally sunk off the shores of Italy, Spain, Greece and as far away as Africa and Asia, by the International Ecomafia led by Calabria’s ‘Ndrangheta organized crime syndicate. This has taken place for over twenty years and insiders in the Italian government [collaborator amont others: Tito Tettamanti with Fidinam in Lugano, Tettamanti financed Berlusconi etc.!] and secret service have been involved in covering it up.
The Security Information Department
is coordinating the work of the two services:
- Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (AISE)
(Security Information service for abroad)
- Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (AISI)
(National Security Information Service) - see Mossad Wikipedia:
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nachrichtendienste_Italiens[Atomic waste ship Cunsky near Cetraro - epidemics at Italian coast lines with cancer and thyroid gland problems]
The first of these ships to be found, thought to be called the Cunsky, has been photographed by a robot off the coast of Cetraro, a medium sized town on the Tyrrheinan coast of Calabria. Cancerous tumors and thyroid problems are highly prevalent here and a growing epidemic all along the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. Certraro is a town known for its port by tourists all over the world. Fish caught by the hundreds of fishemen that make their livelihoods there are eaten throughout Italy and sold on the International market.
[Centers of atomic contamination of Mediterranean Sea: Calabria, Basilikata, Apulia, Greece, Spain - whole Mediterranean]
The setting for this story is putting the spotlight on the south of Italy and the regions of Calabria in the toe of the boot, Basilicata above Calabria, Puglia in the heel, but also Greece and Spain with repercussions for the entire Mediterranean basin.
[Documentations of Greenpeace+Legambiente are not sufficient - Greenpeace research for 32-41 "disappeared" ships]
The facts of this unfolding disaster have been documented by Greenpeace and Italy’s leading environmental organization Legambiente dating back to the late 90’s. Greenpeace has worked to trace the trail of large Cargo Ships that have disappeared from international circulation. Between 32 and 41 such ships are thought to have been sunk in international waters between Italy, Greece and Spain, but mostly along the Italian coastlines.
[Whistleblower Fonti 2005 about 3 sunk ships: Cunsky, Yvonne A, Voriais Sporadais - Beginning of September 2009: detection of Cunsky with atomic waste barrels]
Then, in 2005, a mafia “pentito” (one who repents) named Franceso Fonti testified of his involvement in the sinking of three specific ships called the Cunsky, off Cetraro, the Yvonne A off the coast of Maratea in Basilicata, and the Voriais Sporadais, said to be off the coast of Metaponto in Basilicata on the Ionian Sea. All are international tourist destinations with large fishing industries.Last week a robot was sent down into the depths 11 kilometers off the coast of Cetraro. There, the robot shot photos of the ship thought to be the Cunsky, confirming the story of the ‘Ndrangheta “pentito” and striking a chord of alarm throughout Italy and the world. In the photos drums like those used to transport and store radioactive and toxic wastes can be distinguished.
[Up to 41 toxic waste ships sunk in the world by mafia]
Reports of up to 41 boats have now surfaced in the international media. It is hoped that many of the barrels are still intact, but no one knows for sure and it is still unclear what they contain.
[Amantea (Calabria): mercury+Cesium 137 in the water - dumping site of ship Jolly Rosso on a hill - NO action of Berlusconi government!]
Traces of Mercury and Cesium 137 have recently been found near the town of Amantea in Calabria further south of Cetraro by about 50 kilometers. Cesium 137 is a radioactive byproduct of fission reactions that is highly soluble in water and highly toxic, with a half-life of 30 years. This contamination is believed to have come from another ship called the Jolly Rosso that beached along the Calabrian shore in 1990. The cargo of the Jolly Rosso was illegally dumped near Amantea on a hill along the Oliva River. Amantea is a hotspot for tumors and ground temperature around the contaminated area is said to be six degrees warmer than normal. The population is demanding the truth and government action.[Offer of Japan to remove the garbage ships - Italian government (Craxi, Berlusconi etc.!) and Italian secret service SISMI are absolutely criminal collaborating with dumping of ships]
International cooperation is needed in order to find and remove the sunken ships from the seabed. This will have to be an enormous and unprecedented undertaking needing close monitoring by international organizations, the European Union and the United Nations. For now Japan has offered its assistance as a large sector of their tuna fishing is done in the Mediterranean between the coast of Spain and Sardinia. A very strong concern here is that past and current government ties to the International Ecomafia may hinder efforts to fully investigate the scope of this calamity or to swiftly initiate attempts to contain the damage already caused. According to the “pentito” Fonti, he was in contact with agents from the Italian secret service, SISMI, and government officials in 1992 when he was involved in the sinking of these ships.[The complete Italian government (Berlusconi etc.!) is mafia - the Member of Parliament in Rome, Leoluca Orlando]
Author and Italian parliament member Leoluca Orlando, stopping short of blaming the government [Berlusconi with Tettamanti!] outright or any specific government officials, said that people in the “political system” aided the criminal network.
[Supplement: Satanists are contaminating the world because they want more ill people consuming more pharma pills
Satanist political system with Berlusconi and Tettamanti need more ill people for selling "medicaments", so the pharma lobby has more profits and sares at the bourse are rising. It seems that's the reason why the Mediterranean Sea is polluted, and there are bribes of millions - among others distributed by the cr. gay Vatican which is also with the Satanists and which is bribing all governments of the world with his Vatican bank which is laundering drug money from the same Ndrangheta mafia etc. link!].“Can you imagine that it is possible to happen without persons inside the system, inside the political system, inside the bureaucracy, inside the state, not being connected with these criminals?” he said. “I am sure that inside the official system there are friends, there are persons who have protected this form of criminality.”
[Neri doesn't know anything - Fonti: toxic waste+atomic waste from Norway, France, Germany, "USA"]
Francesco Neri, an official working with the Calabian anti-mafia directorate, said that it is unclear who wanted to dispose of these wastes, but that this would be part of their investigation. The pentito [whistleblower] Fonti stated that wastes that he dealt with came from Norway, France, Germany and the United States.[Garbage mafia from Italy to Somalia - Rai journalist Ilaria Alpi shot in 1994 - Italian NATO collaborating with garbage smuggling]
Ilaria Alpi was a Journalist who was following the trail of arms and toxic garbage trafficking from Italy to Somalia. She worked for Italian public television station Rai. In 1994 she and her camera man Miran Hrovatin were gunned down and killed in Mogadishu [Somalia] under mysterious circumstances. Many here believe, including the Mafia pentito Fonti, that she was killed because she learned too much about the collusion between the Mafia and Italian military [criminal Italian NATO!].[Journalist Michael Leonardi in Calabira - Thyrrenian Sea is highly contaminated with toxic waste and atomic waste - government agents protected this]
I have lived in Calabria for almost two years with my wife and beautiful 14 month baby Gaia Valmaree, who was named in honor of both our mother Earth and my own mother.
Upon our return from a visit to the toxic cities of Toledo and Detroit, we were alarmed and shocked to learn that the Tyrrhenian sea [the Mediterranean between Naples, Sicily and Sardinia], which Gaia has been bathing in since her birth, has been intentionally poisoned with radioactive and other highly toxic wastes for over twenty years.
How shocked and dismayed we were to discover that government officials have known about it all along. And how enraged we are that a journalist has been killed, possibly for trying to reveal the truth about the disposal of waste by the international Ecomafia and their colluding government and corporate interests.>
-- 2013: article "Triangle of Death near Naples"
Here is information from Mossad Wikipedia, in this case there is a very detailed article in German - translation:
Wikipedia (effective: June 5, 2019): Genocide in Southern Italy is under way: The "Triangle of Death near Naples": Illegal dumping sites with toxic waste and radioactive waste contaminate the region of Naples - a lot of garbage from Kohl-Schröder-Merkel-Germany (!) - NATO near Naples: Soldiers are allowed only 2 years to stay - toxic gases near the ground - high cancer rates, thyroid rates, allergies, miscarriages, Hashimoto's syndromes etc. - thermal images - vegetables with 500fold over the safety limits for cadmium+arsenic+lead:
Toxic waste near Naples
(original German: Giftmüll bei Neapel)
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giftmüll_bei_Neapel (Zugriff: 5.6.2019)
The article is from the German Mossad Wikipedia. The Italian Mossad Wikipedia has also articles, but they are less detailed:
- Italian Mossad Wikipedia: Terra dei fuochi (Fire Land)
- Italian Mossad-Wikipedia: Triangolo della morte Acerra-Nola-Marigliano (Triangle of Death)
Important elements to know:
- Cancer Research Institute of Naples SICOG: http://www.sicog.it/ (Italian)
- Self-help group of Maurizio Patriciello against toxic waste and atomic waste in the region of Naples: Maurizio Patriciello, Facebook-Link (Italian)
History - toxic waste buried wildly up to 30m deep from the 1970s onwards - mafia governments did not do anything during 30 years -- Whistleblower Carmine Schiavone of Cosa Nostra 1994 interrogated in Italy and Germany - radioactive waste from East Germany buried 20m deep, the probe reaches only 6m depth -- 1997: Information of whistleblower Carmine Schiavone in Rome: Camorra stores toxic waste from all over Europe - radioactive waste from Germany - bribery of mayors + policemen - the Rome Parliament under president Prodi decides secrecy! -- Campania without waste incineration plants - criminal Catholics do not know what "waste incineration" is - garbage is given away to Germany NRW -- Book of Roberto Saviano: Gomorrah - Journey to the Kingdom of Camorra - 10 cents per kg of toxic waste - Legambiente figures -- 2013: Publication of the statements of Carmine Schiavone from 1997 - toxic waste from Italy, France, Austria, and especially much toxic waste from Germany of Kohl, Schröder, and Merkel (!) -- Environmental damage - toxic waste buried or incinerated: dioxins, chlorine, lead, mercury, solvents, asbestos in the air -- Naples toxic waste region "Triangle of death": Farmers can hardly sell their products any more - abandoned agricultural land, although certified vegetables (officially!) are not toxic -- Arrested garbage dump operator of the company "Resit" - administration of the town of Giugliano was dissolved due to mafia infiltration and under provisional administration - no controls on vegetables -- New mafia structures in the Naples region: Affected peasants must sell fruits and vegetables cheaply - the mafia buys everyting faking the origin and sells all for good prices -- Risk assessment of the US Navy - US-NATO study of 2011: contamination in Gricignano di Aversa: the maximum stay is 2 years - there are contaminated wells, uranium-contaminated groundwater - toxic gases near the ground - residential areas are closed - Lancet 2004 baptizes the region "triangle of death" -- Health consequences - cancer epidemic in Naples and in the Naples region: tumors, babies are born with tumors - cancer registries do not exist - cancer rates are up to 80% higher than the average, in Naples 47% higher cancer rates than the average -- Campania (Naples region): fertility + life expectancy in Campania is falling - more tumors - childhood death increases with leukemia - more lung cancer among non-smokers - lowest birth rate in Italy - highest autism rate in Italy - lung cancer rate with women + 100% - high death rates from illegal toxic waste dumps - liver tumors due to environmental pollution -- Luigi Costanzo in Frattamaggiore, family doctor since 2010: cancer in almost every family - rising rates of asthma + thyroid problems - high infertility, birth defects - from 2008 to 2012 more than threefold tumor cases - breast cancer in women under 40: +33% - epidemic at thyroid cancer - increase in allergies + misscarriages -- German Newspaper "The World" ("Die Welt") reported on Nov.7, 2013: Cancer rate increased from 136 (2008) to 420 (2012) - Berlusconi Ministry of the Environment denies any link to toxic waste - Hashimoto syndrome of the thyroid gland -- The triangle of death becomes uninhabitable - the prefecture of Giugliano sends the Roma next to the toxic waste dumps -- Statements by Carmine Schiavone - Schiavone: Whole Italy is poisoned - Mafia governments Craxi + Berlusconi etc. have sacrificed Italy -- Reactions - helpless protests against the satanist NWO mafia in Vatican-Italy -- Supplement: Cr.ped.gay Vatican + Mafia collaborate for profits -- Citizen protests and citizens' initiatives with documentations and data - children have died -- Jesus Fantasy Catholic Church -- Authorities - thermal images detect the toxic waste because of higher temperatures - broccoli+tomatoes with 500fold over the safety limit for cadmium+arsenic+lead -- Politicians involved in Jesus Fantasy Italy playing "God"
The article (translation):
<Toxic waste near Naples is a heavy environment risk in the reagion of Naples and [in the north of Naples up to] Caserta. Since the 1970s the waste was dumped illegally there.
History - [toxic waste buried wildly up to 30m deep from the 1970s onwards - mafia governments did not do anything during 30 years]
Triangle of Death in the region of Naples between Acerra, Marigliano and Nola (original Italian: triangolo della morte), where since the 1970s illegal toxic waste and one can presume also radioactive waste is buried and burnt [3]
Since the 1970s and more since the 1980s, in Campania, north of Naples and south of Caserta, the mafia has been illegally dumping and burying millions of tons of industrial waste. There is hospital waste, garbage from pharmaceutical manufacturers and presumably also radioactive waste on many wild dumps. Farmers in the area say they were forced by the Camorra back in the 1970s to dump industrial sludge on their fields. [1]
The toxic waste has been distributed in many places and buried up to 30 meters deep. Because of the fires, Italians call this part of Campania's La terra dei fuochi, 'land of fire', or because of the damage to health Triangolo della morte, 'Triangle of death' [2]. The illegal disposal of toxic waste by the mafia has been known for a long time, especially the locals know. So for example, the dumping site [of the company] Resit in Giugliano in Campania near Naples has been closed for years because of its highly toxic industrial sludge. The mafia received millions for this type of waste disposal. The government is said to have been corrupted by the Mafia and remained without action for 30 years [3].
[Whistleblower Carmine Schiavone of Cosa Nostra 1994 interrogated in Italy and Germany - radioactive waste from East Germany buried 20m deep, the probe reaches only 6m depth]
Carmine Schiavone, a 70-year-old man and mafia whistleblower [died in 2015], a former member of Cosa Nostra, cousin of the boss of the Casalesi clan, was arrested in 1992 because he was denounced by his co-criminals to the police when he wanted to stop them from the toxic waste business [2]. The Casalesi are resident in Campania, but call themselves for historical reasons as a Campanian branch of Cosa Nostra, so they are a branch of the Sicilian mafia. Schiavone began working with the authorities in 1993 within a witness protection program. In 1994 he was interrogated in a barracks near Munich for about two weeks by investigators of several German authorities. Mr. Ernst Wirth, a former leniency expert at the State Criminal Police Office of Bavaria, said in an interview with the Bavarian Radio (BR) in January 2014:
"Carmine Schiavone is absolutely credible to me, that's his capital .... Now one has to proof where the statements were given [about radioactive waste from Germany]. I can only say, in my interrogations not." [2]
(original German: „Carmine Schiavone ist für mich absolut glaubwürdig, das ist sein Kapital …. Jetzt müsste man im Detail prüfen, wo er diese Aussagen [über radioaktiven Müll aus Dtld.] getätigt hat. Ich kann nur sagen, bei mir in meinen Vernehmungen nicht.“ [2])Also, the Federal Criminal Police Office in Wiesbaden and the German Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst) said that there were meetings with Schiavone in 1994, that it was about Casalesi business on German soil, but the affected officials did not remember anything about toxic or nuclear waste [2]. Schiavone, on the other hand, assures that radioactive material, "presumably from Eastern Germany", has been delivered in lead cassettes of about 50 centimeters in length:
"This was buried up to a depth of 20 meters. The testing probe, however, with which radiation was measured there later, came only 6 meters deep." Schiavone: "There came barrels on trucks with German license plate." [5]
(original German: „Vergraben wurde das in bis zu 20 Meter Tiefe. Die Sonde aber, mit der dort Strahlung später gemessen wurde, kam nur 6 Meter tief." [4] Schiavone: „Es kamen Fässer auf Lastwagen mit deutschem Kennzeichen." [5])
[1997: Information of whistleblower Carmine Schiavone in Rome: Camorra stores toxic waste from all over Europe - radioactive waste from Germany - bribery of mayors + policemen - the Rome Parliament under president Prodi decides secrecy!]
In 1997, a secretive parliamentary committee of inquiry was installed in Rome where Carmine Schiavone was telling that the Camorra in southern Italy was storing toxic waste from all over Europe. He described in detail the events in Campania, naming the transport companies involved, and showed the investigators where hazardous waste was hidden. He said
-- that trucks from Germany, among other things, had brought radioactive waste in lead boxes,
-- that his clan had earned at least 700 million Lire per month in the illegal garbage business, and
-- with what methods the Camorra set up the 106 Mayors of Campania and
-- how many policemen were on theyr lists of salary [list of hush money].
Schiavone's statement culminated in the sentence: "The people in the area are risking all to die from cancer in twenty years." The hearing was then declared a secret by parliament [under President Prodi in 1997!].
see who was President of Italy in 1997: it was Prodi - here is the list of Presidents of Italy - Mossad Wikipedia link (English)
[Campania without waste incineration plants - criminal Catholics do not know what "waste incineration" is - garbage is given away to Germany NRW]
Since 2001, Campania is famous for it's household waste chaos when an aggreement with Germany was made that every day 2 trains of 22 wagons were transporting 500 to 600 tons of garbage of Campania to North Rhine-Westphalia for waste incineration. The Governor of Campania, Antonio Bassolino, had negotiated this with an emergency request to the North Rhine-Westphalian state government. One thousand tons of garbage was only about one-seventh of the 7200 tons that were produced daily in Campania, and cost the Italian government 170 to 200 euros per ton, including transport, this means, per day 200,000 euros are spent for this [6].
Supplement: Criminal EU with Germany, Holland and France don't want to teach Italian governments what a waste incineration plant is, or the criminal Catholics in Italy don't want to learn it. Catholic always mean that they would be "holy" with the fantasy Bible in the hand. THIS fantasy is the problem! And the Italian government is playing "God" with it's own population...
[Book of Roberto Saviano: Gomorrah - Journey to the Kingdom of Camorra - 10 cents per kg of toxic waste - Legambiente figures]
In 2006, author Mr. Roberto Saviano published a book "Gomorrah" [Amazon link] describing the machinations of the Camorra mafia - and [in 2008] there was made a movie of it [Wikipedia link]. Saviano had researched that in 2004, the Camorra was offering services of eliminating toxic waste for 10 cents per kg, compared with 62 cents for regular disposal procedure [7]. Italian environment organization Legambiente estimated for the year of 2011 that mafia organisations made a 3.1 billion Euro turnover with toxic waste disposal [7], and for 2012 all in all - also with illegal disposal of normal household waste - it was over 16 billion Euro turnover. Every year 11.6 million tons of illegal waste were illegally dumped [4].
-- Roberto Saviano, book: Gomorrha - Travel to Camorra Empire (Italian version: Gomorra: Viaggio nell'impero economico e nel sogno di dominio della camorra (2006) - Amazon Link (Italian))
-- Roberto Saviano: Gomorrha film 2008 135min. Mossad Wikipedia link (Engl.)
-- Legambiente - link (Italian) - contact (Milan, Rome etc.(Italian))
[2013: Publication of the statements of Carmine Schiavone from 1997 - toxic waste from Italy, France, Austria, and especially much toxic waste from Germany of Kohl, Schröder, and Merkel (!)]
In October 2013, two Italian members of parliament reached the permission that the text of the 16-year-old protocol of the statements of Carmine Schiavone was published. Since then, Schiavone has publicly stated: "We accepted and buried everything, including radioactive waste, from all over Italy, France, Austria, Germany and other countries". Especially after the fall of the German wall, the mafia is said having earned a lot of money with arrangements from Germany, with connections to the towns of Dortmund, Munich and Baden-Baden [8]. Schiavone stated to the Italian state television RAI that the Camorra continues the illegal waste disposal to this day [as of 2019]. Legambiente commented that the open secret had been revealed [9].
Environmental damage - [toxic waste buried or incinerated: dioxins, chlorine, lead, mercury, solvents, asbestos in the air]
The poisons of the garbage dumps contaminated the soil, the ground water, and by many garbage fires also the breathing air was contaminated. Burnt foams provoke cancer causing dioxins and chorline compounds, [and by fires with toxic waste also] lead, mercury and other heavy metals, solvents such as tetrachlorethene [1], and asbestos [5] have been carried away by the wind [10].
[Naples toxic waste region "Triangle of death": Farmers can hardly sell their products any more - abandoned agricultural land, although certified vegetables (officially!) are not toxic]
The soil around Naples is one of the most fertile in Europe and is used intensively for agriculture. In the third largest agricultural region with up to four harvests per year, farmers now have difficulty selling their products [1]. Many areas of land have been decommissioned by the provincial government since the official announcement. One landowner complained that he had to lay off ten of his workers and had suffered a 100,000-euro loss, although he has the confirmation by a chemichal test report that his vegetables are not charged with anything [9].
[Arrested garbage dump operator of the company "Resit" - administration of the town of Giugliano was dissolved due to mafia infiltration and under provisional administration - no controls on vegetables]
There are many dumping sites, and many companies running them, e.g. Resit company. Resit dumping site is closed, and the manager of Resit is in jail. He made business with mafia clans, his assets are confiscated. In 2013, all administration staff of the municipality of Giugliano in Campania was dismissed and dissolved, and the town was put under provisional administration. The town of Giugliano is one of the biggest fruit and vegetable centers of Italy. There was found out that there are no controls. And the fields around the old toxic waste dumping site were still managed despite a ban [11].
[New mafia structures in the Naples region: Affected peasants must sell fruits and vegetables cheaply - the mafia buys everyting faking the origin and sells all for good prices]
The Italian Agricultural Association has warned that the "agro-mafia" has discovered agriculture as a new business, that farmers are being pressured to sell at low prices, that indications of origin are faked and the goods are being resold with high prices [11].
[In this way, Italy's population is always more and more intoxicated and contaminated. Proper life is NOT possible any more in Italy and also Central Europe and Northern Europe are affected with contaminated highly toxic fruits and vegetables from Mafia Italy].
Risk assessment of the US Navy - [US-NATO study of 2011: contamination in Gricignano di Aversa: the maximum stay is 2 years - there are contaminated wells, uranium-contaminated groundwater - toxic gases near the ground - residential areas are closed - Lancet 2004 baptizes the region "triangle of death"]
The base of the US Navy in Gricignano di Aversa is located about 15 kilometers north of Naples and about 13 kilometers southwest of Caserta, where thousands of soldiers and their relatives are stationed. Air, water and soil were examined. The results are that dramatic that it's forbidden for the soldiers to live outside of the "US" quarter. Nobody is allowed to stay more than 2 years in Naples [9].
The barracks is halfway between two contaminated areas. In 2011, the "US" Marines made a big environmental study for 30 million dollar. One part of it was for the territories around the Naples military base. Probes were taken from the earth, of the water and of the air. More than 1,000 km2 of territory around their military base was tested. [The results were a disaster] mentioning more than 5,281 contaminated or suspicious locations. 92% of the water samples from private wells from outside around the barracks area showed an "unacceptable health risk", and 5% of the values for uranium were "inacceptably high".
The [NATO] military barracks [near Naples have more restrictions]: It's not allowed to use tap water for brushing teeth. The "Americans" concluded [in the study of 2011]:
"Over time it has become clear that the inability of (Italian) authorities to enforce laws has contributed to this situation." [4]If one of the soldiers does not want to live in the barracks area, he receives the advice to to accomodate in a multi-storey building; above [in higher floors], the burden of toxic gases is lower. Three residential areas not far from the military base have now been completely declared prohibition zones for the soldiers - new US tenants will no longer exist there [4]. The medical journal The Lancet Oncology [Wikipedia link (German)] has renamed the region around Naples in 2004 in "Triangle of Death" [12].
[Campania (Naples region): fertility + life expectancy in Campania is falling - more tumors - childhood death increases with leukemia - more lung cancer among non-smokers - lowest birth rate in Italy - highest autism rate in Italy - lung cancer rate with women + 100% - high death rates from illegal toxic waste dumps - liver tumors due to environmental pollution]
Health consequences - [cancer epidemic in Naples and in the Naples region: tumors, babies are born with tumors - cancer registries do not exist - cancer rates are up to 80% higher than the average, in Naples 47% higher cancer rates than the average]
Young parents became ill. Increasingly, children are born with tumors registered in the liver, kidneys and brain [5]. An official cancer registry does not exist, but increased rates of cancer in Naples and the surrounding area are being claimed on several pages. A study in Naples by the Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research at Temple University of Philadelphia, led by Antonio Giordano and with the help of Giulio Tarro (who is a head physician of the Cotugno Hospital - being named after Domenico Cotugno), found out that in some places the cancer rate was around 80 Percent higher than average [13]. On July 30, 2012, the Naples Pascale National Cancer Institute reported that 47% more people are diagnosed with cancer in Naples than in the rest of the country [14,15,16,17,18,19].
The oncologist Antonio Marfella from the Italian Cancer Research Institute in Naples [SICOG - link (Italian)] has been registering for years that people are getting sick, fertility and life expectancy in Campania has dropped, and that the number of tumor cases has increased. Children die of leukemia and adults die of tumors more frequently than in the rest of Italy [9].
-- In Naples Province, Tumors with men have increased by 47% within two decades;
-- especially the number of lung carcinomas is rising, also with non-smokers.
-- The Campania region now has Italy's highest infertility rate and is also leading in cases of severe autism [4].
According to Antonio Marfella, lung cancer rate has doubled in women over the past decade [5]. "It is clear that the mortality rate of the population near garbage dumps and places where waste is secretly buried is higher," said Giuseppe Comella, head of the National Cancer Research Institute in Naples. [SICOG]. According to oncologist and toxicologist Antonio Marfella, the number of cancers due to environmental factors is increasing. For example, there are up to three times more cancers of the liver - an organ that has to do more in terms of environmental pollution [20].
-- National Cancer Research Institute in Naples SICOG (Southern Italy Cooperative Oncology Group) - link (Italian)
[Luigi Costanzo in Frattamaggiore, family doctor since 2010: cancer in almost every family - rising rates of asthma + thyroid problems - high infertility, birth defects - from 2008 to 2012 more than threefold tumor cases - breast cancer in women under 40: +33% - epidemic at thyroid cancer - increase in allergies + misscarriages]
A few kilometers south of Orta di Atella in the village of Frattamaggiore [about 5km in the north of Naples], the 47-year-old family doctor and general practitioner Luigi Costanzo, who has been resident since 2010 and cared for about 1,600 patients, stated that he had noticed how certain illnesses were rising.
-- In almost every family, someone has cancer,
-- including asthma and thyroid problems,
-- an extremely high rate of infertile couples,
-- and malformations of unborn children [3].
German TV "Second German TV" (ZDF) calls him also a doctor for environmental damage. ZDF reported that Luigi Costanzo has requested data from the Naples North Health Authority, which show that in his region,
-- the tumors more than tripled between 2008 and 2012,
-- the breast cancer rate in women under forty has risen by a third in the last 10 years,
-- and there is a veritable epidemic of thyroid cancer.
-- Even allergies and miscarriages had increased [3].
[German Newspaper "The World" ("Die Welt") reported on Nov.7, 2013: Cancer rate increased from 136 (2008) to 420 (2012) - Berlusconi Ministry of the Environment denies any link to toxic waste - Hashimoto syndrome of the thyroid gland]
In one of the newspaper "The World" (orig. German: "Die Welt") mentioned community [Casela? - article from Nov.7, 2013 - link (German)], the cases of cancer have strikingly risen from 136 in 2008 to 420 in 2012 [8]. The Ministry of Health in Rome said that no link between environmental toxins and cancer rates was detectable. The woman Minister Mrs. Beatrice Lorenzin, member of the party Il Popolo della Libertà (PdL) said in July 2013, a causal relationship is only a hypothesis. One also has to ask the question whether an unhealthy lifestyle in the Campania region is one of the causes of the increased rates of illness [1]. The "View of Frankfort" (orig. German: "Frankfurter Rundschau") has reported on a 51-year-old woman, her family is living since 20 years 1km beeline from the dumping site of Giugliano which is closed now. This is one of the biggest ones of the region. She suffers of a Hashmoto sndrome, as also her dauther, her mother and her mother-in-law. This is an autoimmune thyroid disease that can be triggered by environmental toxins. [11]
[Naples region: The triangle of death becomes uninhabitable - the prefecture of Giugliano sends the Roma next to the toxic waste dumps]
Schiavone said the terra dei fuochi [Fire Land, the triangle of death where the incinerations are taking place] is largely uninhabitable; anyone who remains there has a clear fate: to die, what else. A group of Roma lives next to one of the most toxic dumping sites in Giugliano where they were sent by the prefecture with their caravans and where even power was installed for them [9].
Statements by Carmine Schiavone - [Schiavone: Whole Italy is poisoned - Mafia governments Craxi + Berlusconi etc. have sacrificed Italy]
[Whistleblower] Carmine Schiavone has openly criticized the state in interviews since October 2013: "I only know 10% of the story. If you had [1997] followed my instructions and had made investigations, it would have come out that Italy is poisoned. The state did not care. He has repressed the truth, because the state and the mafia were partners." [9] Schiavone: "The business with the garbage is not very complicated and brings more money than the drug business." [3] His organization [Camorra] monthly earned at least 700 million lire, about 350,000 euros. "If we are guilty, it is all the more those who have allowed it all: police, prosecutors and politicians." The Chairman of the Environment Committee in the Roman Parliament, the Socialist MEP and former environmentalist Ermete Realacci, warned that one should not forget that he was a former criminal: "He told some truths at the time of the hearing and a lot of nonsense." Investigators, for example, never found radioactive waste in Campania. The prosecutors did their job well and have followed all the evidence [1].
Remark: Of course, prosecutors do not find any radioactive waste, when the radioactive waste is 20m deep and the proof of the prosecution department only detects 6m of profundity - only environmentalists find that!
Reactions - [helpless protests against the satanist NWO mafia in Vatican-Italy]
Citizen protests and citizens' initiatives [with documentations and data - children have died]
For years, a dozen orphaned women have met with Father Maurizio Patriciello from Caivano [about 10km north of Naples], once a week in a self-help group. Supposedly, many others do not come because they are too desperate. Patriciello is a kind leader of the civic movement against the toxic waste, which was created in 2011 in his rectory [1]. Since they lost their children, the mothers have charged those responsible. They met with Prime Minister Giorgio Napolitano to point out the fate of their relatives. But they do not want to move away. "Where should we go? Even if they would give us a new home, we believe nothing and no one else any more. "[9]
There are citizens' groups fighting against the contamination,
-- they are documenting waste incineration and the consequences for humans and the environment in pictures,
-- they gathering information about chemicals hazardous to health,
-- they are organizing informational events and demonstrations,
-- they are suing mayors and creating maps on the internet, where they can find new illegal dumping sites beginning.
An umbrella organization of citizen initiatives is skeptical that landowners are prosecuted because since years already the document files with the names of the criminals are stored in piles in the prosecution services, and many complaints of citizens' committees were without consequences.
More and more people are joining the civic movement: a demonstration in October 2013 had almost 50,000 people, in November 2013 already about 100,000 inhabitants of the suburbs of Naples took to the streets to protest against the conditions and against the doing nothing of politicians [9] [21]
[Jesus Fantasy] Catholic Church [claiming something]
The [Jesus Fantasy] Archbishop of Naples and [Jesus Fantasy] bishops of local dioceses wrote in an open letter to President Giorgio Napolitano, "An environmental catastrophe ... has turned into a humanitarian tragedy" [22]. In July 2014, when [Jesus Fantasy] Pope Francis was in the town of Caserta, he renewed his criticism of the mafia at a mass. [23]
[Supplement: Cr.ped.gay Vatican + Mafia collaborate for drug profits
The Mafia and the cr.ped.gay Jesus Fantasy Vatican are collaborating: The mafia brings low-cost drugs from low-cost countries to sell them at high prices in Europe, and drug profits are laundered in the Vatican Bank. For keeping these drug profits, the criminal Jesus Fantasy Vatican does nothing against the mafia, but allows it to contaminate its homeland - Italy - with mostly foreign toxic waste + nuclear waste. The cr. Gay-Vatican sacrifices the population of Italy for storing mafia profits in it's Vatican Bank].
Politicians [involved in Jesus Fantasy Italy playing "God"]
Authorities - [thermal images detect the toxic waste because of higher temperatures - broccoli+tomatoes with 500fold over the safety limits for cadmium+arsenic+lead]
For more than 30 years, the Italian authorities have hardly let anything happen, proving to the inhabitants of the "Terra dei Fuochi" that the Italian state had no interest in telling them the truth and protecting it [1].
In 2013, Sergio Costa, provincial commander of the environmental police Corpo Forestale, said in an interview with state news channel RAINews in a field in Caivano, ten kilometers from Orta di Atella, that under his feet were 200,000 cubic meters of dangerous waste over a size of seven hectares.
The environmental police have developed a method for detecting buried waste with thermal images taken from the air. Per Costa were seized 23 hectares. The owners of the fields would only have to fear a fine. Until the site was closed down in June 2013, broccoli flourished over a four-meter-high layer of waste. Of the seized vegetables, broccoli and tomatoes contained cadmium, arsenic, and lead in a concentration that exceeded 500 times the maximum allowed [1].
The owner of the broccoli field was supposed to be a well-known local freelancer and, according to General Costa, "not a fool, but an educated man who knew exactly what he was doing." But though he had put the health of his fellow citizens at risk he faces only a fine, since pollution is not punishable in Italy [11]. In Caivano, under the seven hectares of fields full of cabbages, poison barrels were dug up, the plastic gloves of some officials dissolved by the contact with the toxins [4].
Local police also wrote critical reports such. B. Roberto Mancini (Wikipedia link (Italian)). His 300-page investigation report was ignored until 2008 [24]. He was transferred to Rome until he died of cancer in 2014 at the age of only 53 [25].
In October 2013, the Italian Parliament passed a law to detect illegal dumping and to medically examine 1.2 million people in the region. A total of 900 hectares should be investigated and rehabilitated, including the coastline off Licola north of Naples. The orders in the millions would mean huge profits for reorganization companies. Schiavone: "Who renovates a dumping site? A clean company, but who is behind the clean company?" [9] "In the end, the heavily indebted Italian state will have to pay. So far, from none of the confiscated areas toxic waste was brought away." [1] Prosecutor Giovanni Conzo said in a heavily guarded interview to [German "private" TV] RTL: "Omerta [the obligation of criminal mafia not telling anything] is hampering the investigation; the few key witnesses are very important. "[5]
The focus is on the following politicians:
-- Giorgio Napolitano, then Interior Minister and chief investigator, Italy's President until February 2014. He has testified that the Camorra is the main responsible for the environmental disaster near his native Naples, but he said nothing about his own share.
-- According to Schiavone, Mr. Gennaro Capoluongo was in helicopter in 1997 on the way to the site of toxic waste deposits; In 2014 he was Italy's Interpol boss.
-- Alessandro Pansa, then a member of the mobile operations police, was head of the Italian state police in 2014.
-- Nicola Cavaliere, according to Schiavone at the Criminal Investigation Department with the case files, 2014 vice president of the domestic intelligence service and said he had dealt with the whole "never directly". [4]
See also
- Ilaria Alpi Italian journalist about the Mafia
- Dumping site of Ihlenberg, accepted among others toxic waste of Italian harbors
- Sandro Mattioli German journalist about the mafia
- Christian Rohde (journalist), bustedthe east German garbage scandal
- Illegal garbage dumping
- Seveso accident
Web links
- Esmeralda Calabria, Andrea D'Ambrosio en:Biùtiful cauntri, documentary, Italy 2007
- Carmen Butta Dirty business - garbage mafia in Naples (original German: Dreckige Geschäfte – die Müllmafia in Neapel), documentary, Germany 2010
- Christian Gramstadt and Sandro Mattioli,The poison of the mafia (original German: Das Gift der Mafia) , documentary, Germany 2017, Arte, October 24,2017>
[1] Regina Kerner: Müll verseucht Italien. In der Giftkammer von Kampanien. In: Berliner Zeitung. 11. November 2013, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
[2] Mike Lingenfelser, Sandro Mattioli, Reinhard Weber: Tödlicher Giftmüll in Italien. Ein Mafia-Kronzeuge und die Spur nach Deutschland. In: Bayerischer Rundfunk. 21. Januar 2014, archiviert vom Original am 11. Februar 2014; abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
[3] Giftmüll bei Neapel. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) In: ZDF heute in Europa. 14. Januar 2014, archiviert vom Original am 28. Februar 2014; abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.
[4] Von Mayr, Walter: Italien. Im Vorhof der Hölle. In: Spiegel Online. 13. Januar 2014, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
[5] Neapel: Die Mafia und ihr Giftmüll: Camorra vergrub Jahrzehnte lang radioaktive Abfaelle. In: RTL. 31. Januar 2014, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
[6] Neapels Dreck-Geschäfte mit Deutschland. In: Spiegel Online. 11. Januar 2008, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
[7] Stefanie Kompatscher: Italien: Die Mafia und ihr schmutzigstes Geschäft. In: DiePresse.com. 19. Oktober 2012, abgerufen am 17. Februar 2014.
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In fact, this systematic contamination of the Mediterranean Sea since the 1980s is genocide against animals and humans. - June 4, 2019 - SMS: IL is at greatest risk because the Southern Italy Mafia (Ndrangheta) systematically contaminates the Mediterranean with toxic waste -- June 4, 2019 - SMS 2: The criminal EU and the Ndrangheta Mafia in southern Italy are contaminating the Mediterranean Sea with toxic waste and nuclear waste - they are playing "sinking ships" + they are provoking a second Fukushima in the Mediterranean region -- Data with proofs about Tettamanti and Berlusconi with the garbage mafia and Ndrangheta: 200,000 hectars of land are contaminated, and the Mediterranean Sea is contaminated -- June 4, 2019: The big danger in the Mediterranean region: TETTAMANTI+BERLUSCONI+mafia criminals go to prison! - And: toxic waste and atomic waste have to be TAKEN OUT of the sea! --