wheel tracks between the wheels
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11120: Astronaut
Scott with the "moon car" LRV ("Rover") on a site.

Photo composition:
-- the Sun is coming from backwards, also all front
sites of the moon car should be in a black shadow,
but the scene is lightened with spots
-- even the tread of the tyres / tires can be seen
in the shadow, an impossibility
-- the wheels do not show their metal structure
-- there can be found footprints in the "moondust",
but there are no wheel tracks between the wheels, so
the photo is a photo composition.
wheel tracks between the wheels - much too bright
shady sides
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no.: AS15-82-11121:
Rover in the site, too bright shady sides of the

Photo composition:
-- the Sun is coming from backwards, also all front
sites of the moon car should be in a black shadow,
but the scene is lightened with spots, and add to
this the shadows are not made black completely: the
shadow of the hills also are not dark enough
-- even the tread of the tyres / tires can be seen
in the shadow, an impossibility
-- the wheels do not show their metal structure
-- there can be found footprints in the "moondust",
but there are no wheel tracks between the wheels, so
the photo is a photo composition. |
bright shady sides
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11122: The front
of the "moon car" LRV ("Rover") in the site.

Photo composition:
-- the wheel is on the shady side but the tread of
the tyre / tire is bright and visible, an
-- and the shadows of the hills are not dark enough
wheel tracks between the wheels - shadows are not
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11129: Irwin
with the "moon car" LRV ("Rover") without wheel

Photo composition:
-- there is missing any wheel track between front
wheel and back wheel
-- the Sun is coming from the left, all shadow lines
should be parallel, but they aren't.

Faked moon landing Apollo 15 photo no.
AS15-82-11129: the "moon car" LRV ("Rover") without
wheel tracks
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11167: Irwin
with the "moon car" LRV ("Rover). The shadow of
Irwin is impossible like a hook.

Photo composition:
Astronaut Irwin has got a shadow like a hook. The
manipulation at the NASA photo laboratory has made a
rest too early.
right back wheel
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11168: Irwin
with the "moon car" LRV ("Rover"). The right back
wheel on the picture is impossible, first photo.

Photo composition:
Now the shadow of Irwin seems at least to be right,
but the right back wheel seems impossible now.
Faked moon landing Apollo 15 photo no.
AS15-82-11168: the "moon car" LRV ("Rover"). The
right back wheel on the picture is impossible, first
same with AS15-82-1169:
Impossible right
back wheel
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11169: Irwin
with the "moon car" LRV ("Rover"). The right back
wheel on the picture is impossible, second photo.

Photo composition:
The right back wheel of the Rover seems to be
impossible as on the photo before.
Faked moon
landing Apollo 15 photo no. AS15-82-11169: the "moon
car" LRV ("Rover"). The right back wheel on the
picture is impossible, first photo.