shadow of a round wheel - details
visible in the shadow
16, photo no. AS16-116-18708: There is
a ragged, deformed shadow of a round
fender, and the shadow of the metal
strip wheels should be interspersed
with light

Photo composition:
-- the manipulators forgot to complete
the shadow (see the indicated red oval
which would be about the real shadow)
-- details of the wheel in the
backlight in the shadow should not be
-- also the ladder and the device in
the background in the shadow should be
visible only in black.
So, all of this photo is manipulated,
and the manipulators of the NASA photo
studio have taken their rest too
bright shadow sides
16, photo no. AS16-116-18709: close-up
of the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV),
with shady sides which are much too
bright, and in the middle of the photo
is also haze, or it's a lense fault,
or it's a fault in the film.

Moon hall:
-- the shadow parts of the "Lunar
Rover Vehicle" (LRV) are much too
bright, e.g. the front wheel
-- and the haze in the middle of the
photo is indication a lens defect.
So, the shady sides were brightened up
in the NASA photo studio.
The same fraud with much too bright
shady sides are the photos
AS16-116-18714 until 19, all close-ups
of the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV).
bright shady sides in the backlight
16, photo no. AS16-117-18817: back
wheel of "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV),
and one is totally in white, in the
shadow... (photo accessible in 2009)

The overexposure is forgivable, but
the wheels in the backlight with all
details - this is not forgivable, and
the white back wheel at the left seems
to be like Carnival.
The photo of 2009 is much darker than
the photo of 2006. It's not important
if the fault on the photo is from a
haze or from a defect lense in the
camera. This is the photo which was
accessible in 2006:

Apollo 16,
photo no. AS16-117-18817: back wheel
of "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV), and
one is totally in white; there is
haze or a great lense defect visible
on the photo. And of course not one
single detail should be visible in
the shadow. Photo accessible in
2006. |
bright shady sides in the backlight
16, photo no. AS16-117-18818:
astronaut Young at "Lunar Rover
Mobile" (LRV), the wheels of the LRV
are in the shadow

Photo composition:
-- the wheels and the shadows of the
wheels (metal structure) are not
interspersed with light, this was
forgotten here
-- the tyres / tires seem to be normal
air-filled tyres / tires on Earth
-- there can be seen details of the
wheels in the backlight, this is not
possible in shadows
-- at the same time the shady side of
astronaut Young is much too bright.
So, the photo is a photo from the moon
hall with brightened up shady sides.
And the vizor of the "astronaut" is in
the shadow and not one single spot of
a landscape should reflect in the
vizor. In the shadow this is not
16, photo no. AS16 -117-18819:
astronaut Young at "Lunar Rover
Vehicle", chaos of shadows
with corrected light conditions)

Photo composition:
-- the sun of the "moon car" is coming
from the front left
-- the sun of the stones is coming
from back left.
This is a bad photo composition with
badly painted shadows.
-- and add to this the shady sides of
the wheel and above all the shady side
of astronaut Young are brightened up.
The shady sides are differently dark.
So, there was photo manipulation for
sure with this photo.
shadow sides of the "moon car" LRV
photo no. AS 16-117-18825: station 10,
"astronaut" Young in the foreground
with a long shadow, the "Lunar Rover
Vehicle" in the background without any
shadow - and footprints are missing
around the "astronaut" and around the
measuring instrument in the

Photo composition:
-- the shadow of the "moon car" LRV
practically not exists, as opposed to
the long shadow of "astronaut" Young
-- the wheels are painted wrong: where
is white, should be dark, and where is
dark, should be white (metal
-- despite the backlight there can be
seen structures of the wheels in the
backlight which is never possible
the shady side of astronaut Young is
too bright, and details can bee
seen, what is not possible in a
normal backlight, and also the
reflexion in the visor is not
possible because the visor is in the
-- add to this there are much too
less foot prints leading to
"astronaut" Young. The "astronaut"
should have sprung to his place with
wide jumps what could not be
possible with this precision in the
"moon dust". Above all there are no
footprints at all around the
installed measuring instrument!
So, the whole photo is a bad photo
composition. Eventually the
landscape is taken from Chile or
from Peru, the sky was blacked out,
and all objects, foot prints and
"astronaut" Young were composed into
the photo, unfortunately incomplete. |
bright shady sides in the backlight
16, photo no. AS16-117-18852:
"astronaut" Young at the "Lunar Rover
Vehicle" (LRV) in the backlight - and
with a big mistake in the film

Photo composition:
-- in the backlight a "moon landscape"
mirroring in the visor of the helmet
is not possible
-- in the backlight there should not
be visible any detail of "astronaut"
Young, as there is almost nothing
visible of the LRV in the backlight
-- the seats of the LRV are in the
flashlight and are too bright
-- astronaut Young does not seem to
stay on the same ground level as the
wheel of the "moon car".
So, the photo is a bad photo
composition with brightened shady
parts and with a painted "moon
landscape" "mirroring" in the helmet
of "astronaut" Young.
bright shady parts in the backlight
16, photo no. AS16-117-18853:
astronaut Young at the "Lunar Rover
Vehicle" unsharp

Photo composition:
-- the whole photo is unsharp
-- the seats in the backlight are too
-- the background is less bright than
the foreground.
So, the photo is a photo composition:
The landscape was taken from a moon
hall or from a moon landscape on Earth
(Chile or Peru), and the "moon car"
and the astronaut with the footprints
are implanted.