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"Moon Plays": The Moon Was the Earth - Truth and Lie In the Atmosphere - the moon lie

Apollo 16 fake: The "moon car" LRV 04: during "moon landing" in the moon hall - photo compositions

Missing wheel tracks and chaos of shadows - the moon lie with Apollo 16

Apollo 16 photo no. AS16-106-17730:
                  "moon car" in stone desert, chaos of shadows
                  with two Suns
vergrössernApollo 16 photo no. AS16-106-17730: "moon car" in stone desert, chaos of shadows with two Suns

by Michael Palomino (2009 / 2010)

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Moon lie: This is no conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are facts proving that the moon landings partly have happened in the moon hall and on photo compositions. You don't believe? The facts stay.

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-106-17389: Es
                            ist das Heck des Mondautos sichtbar, aber
                            nur zwei statt vier Reifenspuren Only two of four wheel tracks
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17389: one can see the rear of the "moon car", but there are only two of four wheel tracks


Ausrufezeichen rot
-- there are only two wheel tracks, as if it would be a two wheel vehicle
-- but above all the direction of the wheel tracks does not correspond with the position of the vehicle.

So, the photo is a bad and incomplete photo composition.

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-106-17390: Das
                            Mondauto mit nur zwei Reifenspuren, zwischen
                            den Rädern gar keine Reifenspuren Wheel tracks between the wheels are missing
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17390: The "moon car" with only two wheel tracks, and between the front wheels and the back wheels there is no wheel track at all.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Between the front wheels and the back wheels is missing any wheel track.

The close-up of the wheel tracks and of the "moon car" shows us definitely that there is only one wheel track per side, that the right wheel track does not lead to the wheel, and that there is no wheel track at all between the back and the front wheels:
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17390:
                            The "moon car" with only two wheel
                            tracks, the right wheel track does not lead
                            at all to the wheel, and between the back
                            and the front wheels cannot be found any
                            wheel track at all. Close-up.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17390: The "moon car" with only two wheel tracks, the right wheel track does not lead at all to the wheel, and between the back and the front wheels cannot be found any wheel track at all. Close-up.

So this photo is an incomplete photo composition. The NASA manipulators have taken their break too early.

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-106-17391:
                            Astronaut John Young beim Mondauto mit nur
                            zwei Reifenspuren, zwischen den Rädern gar
                            keine Reifenspuren Wheel tracks between the wheels are missing
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-106-17391: Astronaut John Young at the "moon car" with only two wheel tracks, and between the front wheels and the back wheels there is no wheel track at all.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Between the front wheels and the back wheels is missing any wheel track.

So this photo is an incomplete photo composition.

Look the close-up:
Apollo 16, photo AS16-106-17391:
                                Astronaut John Young at the "moon
                                car" with only two wheel tracks,
                                and between the front wheels and the
                                back wheels there is no wheel track at
                                all, close-up
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-106-17391: Astronaut John Young at the "moon car" with only two wheel tracks, and between the front wheels and the back wheels there is no wheel track at all, close-up.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17392:
                            back wheel of the "moon car"
                            (left) without wheel track; at the right
                            side of the photo can be see a rock. Wheel without wheel track
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17392: back wheel of the "moon car" (left) without wheel track; at the right side of the photo can be see a rock.


Ausrufezeichen rot
The wheel is staying there without any wheel track.

So this photo is an incomplete photo composition.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17409:
                            Astronaut John Young has soils samples in
                            his hand, in the background the "moon
                            car". Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17409: Astronaut John Young has soils samples in his hand, in the background the "moon car".


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- sun is shining from the left, and by this all shadows had to be parallel, but the shadows are going criss-cross, resp. the shadow of the "moon car" is practically only under the vehicle, the shadow of the "astronaut" is a long one, and the shadow of the "cientific instrument" is again practically only under the "instrument"
-- the background is darker than the foreground which is not possible with the extreme light conditions on the moon without atmosphere, but in a moon hall it's well possible.

So this photo is a bad photo composition with badly painted shadows.

Apollo 16, photo AS16-107-17435: The
                          "moon car" at the "lunar
                          module" without wheel tracks. No wheel tracks - too bright shadow sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-107-17435: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks.

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-107-17435HR.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- between front wheel and back wheel is missing any wheel track
-- the shield "United States" is in the shadow and should not be visible at all
-- the shadow of the "lunar module" and of the stones are going criss-cross
-- the shady side of astronaut John Young is much too bright and in the visor is mirroring a "moon landscape" which is not possible in the shadow

So, this photo is a bad photo composition.
See the close-up:
Apollo 16, photo AS16-107-17435: The
                              "moon car" at the "lunar
                              module" without wheel tracks.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-107-17435: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks.

Apollo 16, photo AS16-107-17436: The
                          "moon car" at the "lunar
                          module" without wheel tracks No wheel tracks - and too bright shady sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-107-17436: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/as16-107-17436HR.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- between front wheel and back wheel is missing any wheel track
-- the shield "United States" is in the shadow and should not be visible at all
-- the shadow of the "lunar module" and of the stones are going criss-cross
-- the shady side of astronaut John Young is much too bright and in the visor is mirroring a "moon landscape" which is not possible in the shadow

So, this photo is a bad photo composition.
See also here the close-up:
Apollo 16, photo AS16-107-17436: The
                              "moon car" at the "lunar
                              module" without wheel tracks,
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-107-17436: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks, close-up.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17436: The
                          "moon car" at the "lunar
                          module" without wheel tracks, and there
                          is a chaos of shadows. Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17436: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks, and there is a chaos of shadows.

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/as16-107-17436HR.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- when there is moving a car, there have to be wheel tracks between the front wheels and the back wheels, but there is none
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by a photo composition, because to put into position so many different spots with so different but clear shadows on a little site is not possible
-- and there is a curved shadow from the front wheel which is absolutely impossible. This shadow was painted very badly...
See the close-up:
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17436:
                              The "moon car" at the
                              "lunar module" without wheel
                              tracks, study of shadows of the chaos of
                              shadows, close-up.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17436: The "moon car" at the "lunar module" without wheel tracks, study of shadows of the chaos of shadows, close-up.

The photos AS16-106-17437 to 39 are in the same stile, the last two with flags with shadows.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17445:
                          Astronaut Young with the "moon car"
                          in a stony landscape, first photo of the
                          shadow chaos Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17445: Astronaut Young with the "moon car" in a stony landscape, first photo of the shadow chaos

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/as16-107-17445.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
The shadow chaos is only possible by photo composition because so many spots on such a little site provoking this clear shadows is not possible. But it's also possible that the shadows are all painted.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17446:
                          Astronaut Young with "moon car" in a
                          stony landscape, shadow chaos, second photo. Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17446: Astronaut Young with "moon car" in a stony landscape, shadow chaos, second photo.

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/as16-107-17446.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
The shadow chaos is only possible by photo composition because so many spots on such a little site provoking this clear shadows is not possible, respectively the shadows are probably painted.

Apollo 16 photo no. AS16-106-17529:
                          Astronaut Duke with sun sensors and moon car
                          on the right side, and chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16 photo no. AS16-107-17529: Astronaut Duke with sun sensors and moon car on the right side, and chaos of shadows

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-107-17529.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
The chaos of shadows indicates photo composition.

And there is an indefinable object on the bottom right in the photo which has a shadow which is not at all corresponding with the object. Perhaps it's a ventilator...

So, it seems that the photo composition has been left uncompleted...

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17530:
                          Astronaut Duke with sun sensors and moon car,
                          and chaos of shadows. Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17530: Astronaut Duke with sun sensors and moon car, and chaos of shadows.

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-107-17530.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
The chaos of shadows indicates photo composition.

The indefinable object on the bottom right in the photo could be a ventilator or a spot lamp.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17537:
                          Astronaut Duke behind the "moon car"
                          without wheel tracks between the front wheels
                          and the back wheels No wheel tracks between the front wheels and the back wheels
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17537: Astronaut Duke behind the "moon car" without wheel tracks between the front wheels and the back wheels

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-107-17537HR.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- between the front wheels and the back wheels are no wheel tracks.

So, this photo is an incomplete photo composition.

See the close-up:
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17537:
                              Astronaut Duke behind the "moon
                              car" without wheel tracks between the
                              front wheels and the back wheels,
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-107-17537: Astronaut Duke behind the "moon car" without wheel tracks between the front wheels and the back wheels, close-up.

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-106-17621:
                          Astronaut Young mit "Mondauto" No wheel tracks between the wheels - too less wheel tracks in the curves
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17621: Astronaut Young with "moon car"


NASA states that Young could communicate the level of oxygen from the moon to the "control center" in Houston:

"possibly as he gives Houston a reading of his oxygen gauge."

Ausrufezeichen rot
But this is also a photo composition:
-- between the front wheel and the back wheel there is no wheel track
-- the "moon car" has passed a curve and then made a counter curve, so there should be for every wheel a separate wheel track.

So, also this photo is a photo composition.

In the main stile are the photos AS16-106-17620, 22 and 23.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727:
                            "moon car" in the stony desert,
                            and chaos of shadows, and shapeless
                            "sun" on the "moon

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727:
                            the shapeless "sun" at the
                            "moon sky" seems to be a strong
                            spot light, and the NASA manipulators forgot
                            to prepare it well
Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727: "moon car" in the stony desert, and chaos of shadows, and shapeless "sun" on the "moon sky".

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-108-17727HR.jpg (2009)

The close-up shows even more of the chaos of shadows:
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727:
                            "moon car" in the stony desert,
                            and chaos of shadows, close-up
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727: "moon car" in the stony desert, and chaos of shadows, close-up

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17727: the shapeless "sun" at the "moon sky" seems to be a strong spot light, and the NASA manipulators forgot to prepare it well.

In the same stile are the "moon photos" AS16-108-17728 to 730.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17728:
                            "moon car" in the stony desert,
                            and chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17728: "moon car" in the stony desert, and chaos of shadows

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-108-17728.jpg (2009)

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-106-17729:
                            "Mondauto" in Steinwüste,
                            Schattenchaos und zwei Sonnen. Shadows criss-cross - and two Suns in the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17729: "Moon car" in the stony desert, chaos of shadows and two Suns

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-108-17729.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition
-- the two Suns in the sky are two spot lights of the moon hall
-- and there is also haze in the "moon sky" of the moon hall
-- and the shadows are too bright and in the visor of the astronaut one can see reflections which is not at all possible in the shadow.

So, this photo is a bad photo composition from the moon hall, and the NASA manipulators forgot to black away one of the two "suns", and they had bad fantasies of reflexions in the visor of the helmet of the "astronaut", but this is not possible in the shadow.
The close-up of the two "suns":
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17729:
                              two "suns" in the "moon
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17729: two "suns" in the "moon sky".

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-106-17730:
                            "moon car" in the stony desert,
                            chaos of shadows and two Suns Shadows criss-cross - and two Suns in the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-108-17730: "moon car" in the stony desert, chaos of shadows and two Suns

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-108-17730.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition
-- the two Suns in the sky are two spot lights of the moon hall.

So, this photo is a bad photo composition.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17787:
                            Station 1, the "moon car" in the
                            stony desert, and chaos of shadows, and
                            there are shadows like pencil bars drawn
                            into the photo... Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17787: Station 1, the "moon car" in the stony desert, and chaos of shadows, and there are shadows like pencil bars drawn into the photo...


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition
-- the shadows looking like black bars seem to be drawn into the photo. It seems that the NASA manipulators had made their break too early, and there are marked places where should be drawn more shadows yet...

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr. AS16-109-17788:
                              Station 1, das "Mondauto" in der
                              Steinwüste Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17788: Station 1, the "moon car" in the stony desert, and chaos of shadows


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17789:
                              Station 1, astronaut Young at the
                              "moon car" in the stony desert,
                              chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17789: Station 1, astronaut Young at the "moon car" in the stony desert, chaos of shadows


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-109-17948:
                              Station 4, the "moon car" in the
                              stony desert, chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17948: Station 4, the "moon car" in the stony desert, chaos of shadows


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition
-- the chaos of shadows is only possible by photo composition.

In the same manner is the photo AS16-109-17947, but with less chaos of shadows.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17951:
                              Station 4, the "moon car"
                              staying on a path in a slope, and chaos of
                              shadows and impossible foot prints which
                              are wide far away from each other Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17951: Station 4, the "moon car" staying on a path in a slope, and chaos of shadows and impossible foot prints which are wide far away from each other


Ausrufezeichen rot
Moon hall and photo composition:
-- principally it's not possible that there are roads on the moon which are built into a slope, because during the moon plays there were no road construction works. So, this scene was taken in a moon hall
-- the chaos of shadows is only  visible on the larger photo
-- the foot prints at the end on the bottom of the photo are wide far away from each other which is not possible, and even at the beginning in the middle of the photo the foot prints seem to be very distant, and suddenly the foot prints stop. All this is absolutely unreal.

Let's see the chaos of shadows in a close-up:
Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-17951: Station 4, the
                                "moon car" staying on a path
                                in a slope, and chaos of shadows,
Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17951: Station 4, the "moon car" staying on a path in a slope, and chaos of shadows

So, the photo is a bad photo composition from a moon hall, or even better the landscape was taken in Chile or Peru, the sky was blacked out, and the foot steps and the "moon car" are implanted in a very bad manner. The NASA manipulators never have played in the snow as it seems, and the manipulation with the foot prints was left unfinished.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17959:
                              Moon car in the foreground in the stony
                              desert on a slope, and the "North Ray
                              Crater" in the background Too bright shady sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17959: Moon car in the foreground in the stony desert on a slope, and the "North Ray Crater" in the background. The shady sides are much too bright, and one can see details what is not possible in the backlight.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the tyre / tire tread is in the shadow, but is shining white, but "on the moon"  with the extremely black shadows it should not be visible at all
-- the manipulators forgot to ink the tread
-- the shady sides of the "moon car" with the seats etc. are much too bright.
So, the photo is a bad photo composition, resp. the manipulators forgot to paint black all shadow parts.

On a close-up you can see the too bright shady sides very clearly:
Apollo 16, photo no.
                                  AS16-110-17959: Moon car in the
                                  foreground in the stony desert on a
                                  slope. The shady sides are much too
                                  bright, and one can see details what
                                  is not possible in the backlight.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17959: Moon car in the foreground in the stony desert on a slope. The shady sides are much too bright, and one can see details what is not possible in the backlight.

In the same kind is photo no. AS16-110-17960.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17961:
                              "Moon car" in the foreground in
                              the stony desert at a slope with astronaut
                              Young, and "North Ray Crater" in
                              the background - and there is haze and an
                              undefinitionable dark object on the upper
                              margin of the photo Too bright shady sides - haze on the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-17961: "Moon car" in the foreground in the stony desert at a slope with astronaut Young, and "North Ray Crater" in the background - and there is haze and an undefinitionable dark object on the upper margin of the photo


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition from the moon hall:
-- the haze in the sky indicates light haze in the moon hall
-- the missing dark shady sides at the moon car and at astronaut Young indicate that the manipulators forgot to ink the shady sides
-- generally there must be asked why the "moon car" has reached this place because there is not one single wheel track
-- and strangely the dark undefinitionable object at the upper margin of the photo is precisely at the same place where the haze of the moon hall can be found...

So, the whole photo is a bad photo composition from the moon hall, and this photo manipulation has not been completed.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-18006: The "moon car"
                                without wheel tracks, it was set there
                                by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA
                                says - and there are two suns - and
                                there is haze and an undeclarable piece
                                of metal on the upper margin of the
                                photo Missing wheel tracks - light show effect
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18006: The "moon car" without wheel tracks, it was set there by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA says - and there are two suns - and there is  haze and an undeclarable piece of metal on the upper margin of the photo


NASA claims that the two astronauts John Young and Charles Duke had set the car at this place by carrying it there:

<In this photo, note that the Rover is not sitting on it's own tracks. After getting off, John decided at 145:11:16 that the Rover had to be re-positioned and, rather than spend any time getting back on, he and Charlie picked the vehicle up and moved it.>

But let's see how big the lie of NASA is in the case of this photo:
Photo composition and moon hall:
-- to carry a "moon car" would be carrying around 210 kg with 45.4 kg of radio communication equipment [1], this would be alltogether 255.4 kg. To carry 255.4 kg with only four hands is a NASA phantasy and the photo is another photo composition where the manipulators have forgotten to compose the wheel tracks to the wheels
-- when the car was carried there, there are missing foot prints
-- the back wheel is painted in the wrong way, the white parts should be black, and the black parts should be white
-- the light show effect is unacceptable
-- there is even the question if such light show effects are possible "on the moon" without atmosphere
-- and the undefinitionable dark object at the upper margin of the photo seems also an indication for a moon hall.

So, the photo is an incomplete photo composition from the moon hall.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-18007: The "moon car"
                                without wheel tracks, it was set there
                                by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA
                                says - and there are two suns - and
                                there is haze and an undeclarable piece
                                of metal on the upper margin of the
                                photo Missing wheel tracks - two Suns in the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18007: The "moon car" without wheel tracks, it was set there by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA says - and there are two suns - and there is  haze and an undeclarable piece of metal on the upper margin of the photo


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition and moon hall:
-- two suns on the moon are not possible, these are two spot lights of the moon hall
-- the back wheel is painted in the wrong way, the white parts should be black, and the black parts should be white
-- haze is not possible on the moon because of missing atmosphere, so the photo is from the moon hall
-- not one single shadow and not one  single shady side is really black, so, the manipulators forgot to paint black the shadows
-- when the car was carried there, there are missing foot prints.

So this photo has been created in the moon hall and was completed by encomplete photo compositions.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-18008: The "moon car"
                                without wheel tracks, it was set there
                                by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA
                                says - and there are two suns - and
                                there is haze and an undeclarable piece
                                of metal on the upper margin of the
                                photo Missing wheel tracks - and two suns in the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18008: The "moon car" without wheel tracks, it was set there by the astronauts Young and Duke, NASA says - and there are two suns - and there is  haze and an undeclarable piece of metal on the upper margin of the photo


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition and moon hall:
-- two suns on the moon are not possible, these are two spot lights of the moon hall
-- the back wheel is painted in the wrong way, the white parts should be black, and the black parts should be white
-- haze is not possible on the moon because of missing atmosphere, so the photo is from the moon hall
-- not one single shadow and not one  single shady side is really black, so, the manipulators forgot to paint black the shadows
-- when the car was carried there, there are missing foot prints.

So this photo has been created in the moon hall and was completed by encomplete photo compositions.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-18009: Astronaut Young at the
                                "moon car" without wheel
                                tracks, according to NASA set there by
                                the astronauts Young and Duke. Haze in the "moon sky" - too bright shady sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18009: Astronaut Young at the "moon car" without wheel tracks, according to NASA set there by the astronauts Young and Duke.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition and moon hall:
-- haze is not possible on the moon because of the missing atmosphere, so the photo is from the moon hall
-- not one single shadow and not one  single shady side is really black, so the manipulators forgot to paint them black
-- the "moon landscape" in the visor of "astronaut" Young is not possible because the visor is on the shady side.

So this photo has been created in the moon hall, the manipulators forgot to paint black the shadows and the shadow sides, and the "moon landscape" in the visor of "astronaut" Young was painted into the photo.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                AS16-110-18010: Sight over the right
                                front wheel of the LRV to the stony
                                desert, shady side. Too bright shady sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18010: Sight over the right front wheel of the LRV to the stony desert, shady side.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Shady sides are much too bright:
-- one can see bright elements of the front wheel on the shady side which is not possible in the shadow.

The NASA manipulators forgot to ink the shady side.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                  AS16-110-18433: rear of the LRV,
                                  shadow of the astronaut with
                                  magnetometer in the foreground. Astronaut with magnetometer on the shoulder taking  photos with Hasselblad
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-114-18433: rear of the LRV, shadow of the astronaut with magnetometer in the foreground.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Moon hall:
There is the question how the astronaut with magnetometer on his shoulder can take photos at the same time with the Hasselblad camera which has to be handled manually. There had to be a second person who took the photo, and the big shadow is painted. So, this photo was taken by a second person who was not "on the moon", but for sure was in the moon hall.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                  AS16-110-18434: LRV with too bright
                                  shady sides Too bright shady sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-114-18434: LRV with too bright shady sides


Ausrufezeichen rot
-- the shady sides (the back part of the seats) are much too bright. The photo has been taken in the moon hall, and the NASA manipulators forgot to ink the shady sides.
-- and there is eventually also missing a shadow of the left fender on the left wheel in the foreground.

                                  16 Foto-Nr. AS16-110-18439:
                                  Testapparatur im Schatten der
                                  "Mondlandefähre" (Lunar
                                  Module LM) mit "Mondauto"
                                  und Fahne ohne Schatten. Test apparatus in the shadow
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-110-18439: Test apparatus in the shadow of the "lunar module (LM) with the "moon car" and with a flag without shadow in the background

Ausrufezeichen rot
Moon hall and photo composition
-- the bright test apparatus in the dark shadow of the "lunar module" is not possible, it should not be visible in the shadow, but the apparatus has been brightened up additionally or was put into the photo
-- also the white structures of the stairs in the shadow are not possible, because the stairs should appear in black
-- the flag without shadow in the background is a photo composition, and the manipulators forgot to paint the shadow.

So, the photo is a manipulated photo from the moon hall with additional and incomplete photo composition.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                  AS16-110-18439: The flag without
                                  shadow, close-up Flag without shadow
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-114-18439: The flag without shadow, close-up


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
--  the flag is put into the photo and the manipulators forgot to draw the shadow of the flag into the photo.

So this photo is an incomplete photo composition.

The photo no. AS16-110-18440 is in the same stile, but there could not be found any big photo of it in the internet.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                    AS16-110-18453: The front part of
                                    the LRV, astronaut Duke is cleaning
                                    seats Wrong and missing shadows
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-114-18453: The front part of the LRV, astronaut Duke is cleaning seats


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition with chaos of shadows:
-- the shadows on the front are not real. The shadows of the two dropping foils should not be noticeable when the sun is shining in an oblique way from the right. But the shadows are drawn as if the sun came from the rear of the LRV. The shadow of foil (1) is much too big. And there is no shadow from foil (2).

So this photo is a photo composition with wrong drawn shadows.

In the same manner with missing and wrong shadows in the front of the LRV are the photos AS16-114-18454 and AS16-116-18697.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                    AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at
                                    the LRV: at the left side is a flag
                                    with inverted shadow, the astronaut
                                    in the backlight is much too bright,
                                    and there are lonely wheel tracks
                                    from one single wheel. And the photo
                                    is much too dark, and there are
                                    remains of glue on the photo as it
                                    semas... Wrong shadow criss-cross - too bright shady sides in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at the LRV: at the left side is a flag with inverted shadow, the astronaut in the backlight is much too bright, and there are lonely wheel tracks from one single wheel. And the photo is much too dark, and there are remains of glue on the photo as it semas...


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- astronaut Young is staying in the sun and sun is coming in an oblique way from the right with a corresponding shadow to the left
-- the flag is staying in the sun and sun is coming from the left and corresponding to this the shadow of the flag is horizontally going to the right

-- the shadows are not all black in the same manner which is impossible
-- astronaut Young is in the backlight and only should be seen a black figure of him
-- the photo has much too less light, but on the moon without atmosphere a twilight is not possible
-- and there are wheel tracks which are not paired, there is a lonely wheel track going through the whole photo. This is not possible.

The photo is taken in the moon hall and is an incomplete photo composition, nothing more.

Or, the photo is a andscape from Chile or from Peru: The sky was blacked out, the astronaut with moon car and the flag and the wheel tracks were composed into the photo, and the shadow of the flag was drawn in the inverted way. Oh, the NASA  manipulators were working hard and had no experience of wheel tracks in agriculture...

The photo with corrected light conditions would be about like this:

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at
                                      the LRV: at the left side is a
                                      flag with inverted shadow, the
                                      astronaut in the backlight is much
                                      too bright, and there are lonely
                                      wheel tracks from one single
                                      wheel. Corrected light conditions.
                                      With the corrected light
                                      conditions also some haze in the
                                      center of the "moon sky"
                                      can be seen which is not possible
                                      on the moon without atmosphere.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at the LRV: at the left side is a flag with inverted shadow, the astronaut in the backlight is much too bright, and there are lonely wheel tracks from one single wheel. Corrected light conditions. With the corrected light conditions also some haze in the center of the "moon sky" can be seen which is not possible on the moon without atmosphere.

Let's see the close up:
Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at
                                      the LRV: at the left side is a
                                      flag with shadow from the left to
                                      the right, at the right side the
                                      astronaut with the "moon
                                      car" with the shadow from the
                                      right to the left, close-up. The
                                      light conditions were corrected.
                                      The shadows are differently dark
                                      which is impossible, and the left
                                      front wheel of the moon car seems
                                      too little, and the right back
                                      wheel is white instead of black.
                                      All is manipulated on this photo
                                      with the exception of the
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18576: Astronaut Young at the LRV: at the left side is a flag with shadow from the left to the right, at the right side the astronaut with the "moon car" with the shadow from the right to the left, close-up. The light conditions were corrected. The shadows are differently dark which is impossible, and the left front wheel of the moon car seems too little, and the right back wheel is white instead of black. All is manipulated on this photo with the exception of the landscape which was taken in Chile or in Peru.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                    "Astronaut" Young at the
                                    Lunar Rover Vehicle (LRV) at the
                                    Lunar Module (LM), advertising panel
                                    "United States", photo
                                    from 2006 Wrong shadows criss-cross - too bright shadow sides in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16,  photo no. AS16-116-18577: "Astronaut" Young at the Lunar Rover Vehicle (LRV) at the Lunar Module (LM), advertising panel "United States", photo from 2006

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/images16.html (2006)
http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-116-18577.jpg (2006)

Ausrufezeichen rot
This is in a moon hall and it's photo composition:
-- "astronaut" Young is in the backlight, but his dark side is much too bright as also the back side of the "Lunar Module", there should not be visible any detail in the backlight
-- the advertising panel "United States" is in the shadow and should not be visible with the extreme light conditions "on the moon", so also there was a special spot light
-- the haze "on the moon" without atmosphere is not possible
-- all in all the shadow of the "Lunar Module" is much too short when one compares the shadow of astronaut Young with the shadow of the "Lunar Module", and considering the light source of the "sun" (see the red lines).
Let's say: The landscape was taken in the moon hall and all objects are photo composition.

Considering the close-up of 2009 there are not only the light conditions which have changed and which are impossible with a twilight "on the moon", but there are also other "things" (we see here the photo with the light conditions of 2009)

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-116-18577HR.jpg (2009)

Apollo 16 Foto-Nr.
                                                Astronaut Young beim
                                                (LRV), die Schatten der
                                                Antennen auf dem
vergrössernApollo 16,  photo no. AS16-116-18577: "Astronaut" Young at the Lunar Rover Vehicle (LRV): the shadows of the antennas of the "moon car" are missing
Apollo 16, photo
                                                no. AS16-116-18577:
                                                Between "moon
                                                car" and
                                                "Lunar Module"
                                                there is a device like a
                                                radio on the floor
vergrössernApollo 16,  photo no. AS16-116-18577: Between "moon car" and "Lunar Module" there is a device like a radio on the floor
Apollo 16, photo
                                                no. AS16-116-18577:
                                                rubbish besides the
                                                "Lunar Module"
                                                and the billboard
                                                States" is partly
                                                crossed out, and it
                                                seems that the shadow of
                                                the visible foot of the
                                                "Lunar Module"
                                                is missing
vergrössernApollo 16,  photo no. AS16-116-18577: rubbish besides the "Lunar Module" and the billboard "United States" is partly crossed out, and it seems that the shadow of the visible foot of the "Lunar Module" is missing

And on the close-up you can see also the chaos of shadows of this photo no. AS16-116-18577:
Apollo 16, photo no.
                                        AS16-116-18577: chaos of
                                        shadows, and the shadow of the
                                        "Lunar Module" and the
                                        shadows of the antennas of the
                                        "moon car" are
Apollo 16,  photo no. AS16-116-18577: chaos of shadows, and the shadow of the "Lunar Module" and the shadows of the antennas of the "moon car" are missing

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                    AS16-116-18578: Astronaut Young at
                                    the "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                    (LRV) at the "Lunar
                                    Module" (LM), backlight without
                                    dark side Shadows criss-cross - haze  at the "moon sky"
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18578: Astronaut Young at the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV) at the "Lunar Module" (LM), backlight without dark side


Ausrufezeichen rot
How is it:
-- the conditions of backlight are impossible. The shadows should be visible only as black shapes
-- haze in the sky is an indication for a moon hall
-- and the shadow lines are criss-cross and don't match with the main light source.
So the shady sides of the photo are brightened up, and the scene is in a moon hall. But the shadow criss cross and the non corresponding shadows with the main light source indicate that the landscape was taken from a moon hall and all parts are a bad photo composition. There is the question yet why objects like a radio were composed into the photo. And there is the question yet why the NASA manipulators are changing light conditions of photos yet as in the 1960s. It seems that NASA had access to the photo program "Photoshop" in the 1960s allready...

The same is with the photo AS16-116-18578 where is shown only a "Lunar Module".

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                    AS16-110-18660: Astronaut Duke at
                                    the "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                    (LRV), chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18660: Astronaut Duke at the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV), chaos  of shadows


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition and painting:
The different shadow lines are an indication that this is a photo composition and the shadows are painted.

Apollo 16, photo
                                    AS16-110-18669: missing shadow at
                                    the front side of the "moon
                                    car" (LRV) Missing shadow
vergrössernApollo 16, photo AS16-116-18669: missing shadow at the front side of the "moon car" (LRV)

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-116-18669.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Painting uncompleted:
The manipulators forgot to paint the shadow which is indicated in dashed lines and in dotted lines.

Apollo 16,
                                        photo no. AS16-116-18708: There
                                        is a ragged, deformed shadow of
                                        a round fender, and the shadow
                                        of the metal strip wheels should
                                        be interspersed with light Deformed shadow of a round wheel - details visible in the shadow
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18708: There is a ragged, deformed shadow of a round fender, and the shadow of the metal strip wheels should be interspersed with light

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-116-18708.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the manipulators forgot to complete the shadow (see the indicated red oval which would be about the real shadow)
-- details of the wheel in the backlight in the shadow should not be visible
-- also the ladder and the device in the background in the shadow should be visible only in black.

So, all of this photo is manipulated, and the manipulators of the NASA photo studio have taken their rest too early.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      AS16-116-18709: close-up of the
                                      "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                      (LRV), with shady sides which are
                                      much too bright, and in the middle
                                      of the photo is also haze, or it's
                                      a lense fault, or it's a fault in
                                      the film. Too bright shadow sides
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-116-18709: close-up of the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV), with shady sides which are much too bright, and in the middle of the photo is also haze, or it's a lense fault, or it's a fault in the film.

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-116-18709.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Moon hall:
-- the shadow parts of the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV) are much too bright, e.g. the front wheel
-- and the haze in the middle of the photo is indication a lens defect.

So, the shady sides were brightened up in the NASA photo studio.

The same fraud with much too bright shady sides are the photos AS16-116-18714 until 19, all close-ups of the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV).

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      AS16-117-18817: back wheel of
                                      "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                      (LRV), and one is totally in
                                      white, in the shadow... (photo
                                      accessible in 2009) Too bright shady sides in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-117-18817: back wheel of "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV), and one is totally in white, in the shadow... (photo accessible in 2009)

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-117-18817.jpg (2009)

Ausrufezeichen rot
The overexposure is forgivable, but the wheels in the backlight with all details - this is not forgivable, and the white back wheel at the left seems to  be like Carnival.

The photo of 2009 is much darker than the photo of 2006. It's not important if the fault on the photo is from a haze or from a defect lense in the camera. This is the photo which was accessible in 2006:

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                        AS16-117-18817: back wheel of
                                        "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                        (LRV), and one is totally in
                                        white; there is haze or a great
                                        lense defect visible on the
                                        photo. And of course not one
                                        single detail should be visible
                                        in the shadow. Photo accessible
                                        in 2006.
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-117-18817: back wheel of "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV), and one is totally in white; there is haze or a great lense defect visible on the photo. And of course not one single detail should be visible in the shadow. Photo accessible in 2006.

Apollo 16
                                      Foto-Nr.AS16-117-18818: Young beim
                                      LRV, die Räder des LRV sind im
                                      Schatten Too bright shady sides in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-117-18818: astronaut Young at "Lunar Rover Mobile" (LRV), the wheels of the LRV are in the shadow


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the wheels and the shadows of the wheels (metal structure) are not interspersed with light, this was forgotten here
-- the tyres / tires seem to be normal air-filled tyres / tires on Earth
-- there can be seen details of the wheels in the backlight, this is not possible in shadows
-- at the same time the shady side of astronaut Young is much too bright.

So, the photo is a photo from the moon hall with brightened up shady sides. And the vizor of the "astronaut" is in the shadow and not one single spot of a landscape should reflect in the vizor. In the shadow this is not possible...

Apollo 16, photo no. AS 16
                                      -177-18819: astronaut Young at
                                      "Lunar Rover Vehicle",
                                      chaos of shadows Shadows criss-cross
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16 -117-18819: astronaut Young at "Lunar Rover Vehicle", chaos of shadows

http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/pao/History/alsj/a16/AS16-117-18819.jpg (2009, with corrected light conditions)

Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the sun of the "moon car" is coming from the front left
-- the sun of the stones is coming from back left.

This is a bad photo composition with badly painted shadows.

-- and add to this the shady sides of the wheel and above all the shady side of astronaut Young are brightened up. The shady sides are differently dark. So, there was photo manipulation for sure with this photo.

Apollo 16, photo no. AS
                                      16-117-18825: station 10,
                                      "astronaut" Young in the
                                      foreground with a long shadow, the
                                      "Lunar Rover Vehicle" in
                                      the background without any shadow
                                      - and footprints are missing
                                      around the "astronaut"
                                      and around the measuring
                                      instrument in the foreground. Missing shadow sides of the "moon car" LRV
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS 16-117-18825: station 10, "astronaut" Young in the foreground with a long shadow, the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" in the background without any shadow - and footprints are missing around the "astronaut" and around the measuring instrument in the foreground.


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the shadow of the "moon car" LRV practically not exists, as opposed to the long shadow of "astronaut" Young
-- the wheels are painted wrong: where is white, should be dark, and where is dark, should be white (metal structure)
-- despite the backlight there can be seen structures of the wheels in the backlight which is never possible

-- the shady side of astronaut Young is too bright, and details can bee seen, what is not possible in a normal backlight, and also the reflexion in the visor is not possible because the visor is in the shadow
-- add to this there are much too less foot prints leading to "astronaut" Young. The "astronaut" should have sprung to his place with wide jumps what could not be possible with this precision in the "moon dust". Above all there are no footprints  at all around the installed measuring instrument!

So, the whole photo is a bad photo composition. Eventually the landscape is taken from Chile or from Peru, the sky was blacked out, and all objects, foot prints and "astronaut" Young were composed into the photo, unfortunately incomplete.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      "astronaut" Young at the
                                      "Lunar Rover Vehicle"
                                      (LRV) in the backlight - and with
                                      a big mistake in the film Too bright shady sides in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-117-18852: "astronaut" Young at the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" (LRV) in the backlight - and with a big mistake in the film


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- in the backlight a "moon landscape" mirroring in the visor of the helmet is not possible
-- in the backlight there should not be visible any detail of "astronaut" Young, as there is almost nothing visible of the LRV in the backlight
-- the seats of the LRV are in the flashlight and are too bright
-- astronaut Young does not seem to stay on the same ground level as the wheel of the "moon car".

So, the photo is a bad photo composition with brightened shady parts and with a painted "moon landscape" "mirroring" in the helmet of "astronaut" Young.

Apollo 16, photo no.
                                      AS16-117-18853: astronaut Young at
                                      the "Lunar Rover
                                      Vehicle" unsharp Too bright shady parts in the backlight
vergrössernApollo 16, photo no. AS16-117-18853: astronaut Young at the "Lunar Rover Vehicle" unsharp


Ausrufezeichen rot
Photo composition:
-- the whole photo is unsharp
-- the seats in the backlight are too bright
-- the background is less bright than the foreground.

So, the photo is a photo composition: The landscape was taken from a moon hall or from a moon landscape on Earth (Chile or Peru), and the "moon car" and the astronaut with the footprints are implanted.


The "moon photos" of Apollo 16 are not real and have many mistakes and impossibilities. So, the moon landing Apollo 16 was on Earth in the NASA photo studio and in moon halls and not "on the moon".

Moon lie: This is no conspiracy theory, stupid journalist, but these are facts proving that the moon landings partly have happened in the moon hall and on photo compositions. You don't believe? The facts stay.

One can come to the conclusion that the whole Apollo program was nothing more than an orgy of fakes.

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[1] http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Roving_Vehicle
