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Encyclopaedia Judaica

Jews in criminal Gulag "Soviet Union": Yevsektsiya

Lenin assimilationist - destruction of racist Zionist structures in criminal Gulag Soviet Union - Yiddish culture set up - destruction of Yiddish Jewish culture in the 1930s (purges) and russifications since the 1940s (because of racist Zionist Herzl Israel)

Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Yevsektsiya,
                          vol. 16, col. 780: Public trial against racist
                          Zionists, Vitebsk 1921
Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971: Yevsektsiya, vol. 16, col. 780: Public trial against racist Zionists, Vitebsk 1921

The public trial of the Vitebsk heder (ḥeder) [[Jewish religious school to age of 13]]. This trial, organized by the communist Yevsektsiya in 1921, resulted in the closing of several of the city's synagogues and the confiscation of many Torah scrolls. Courtesy A. Rafaeli-Zenziper, Archive for Russian Zionism, Tel Aviv.

from: Yevsektsiya; In: Encyclopaedia Judaica 1971, vol. 16

presented by Michael Palomino (2008)

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Since 1881 the racist Zionist culture with the mad idea that Jewry would be a "nation" had been established also in racist czarist Russia. When the Communists came to power Lenin headed the line that Jewry could never be a "nation" (and this was right), and by this he installed Jewish sections in the Communist party which had the task to destroy the racist Zionist institutions and to install Jewish Yiddish institutions. In the 1930s Stalin let destroy a part of these Yiddish institutions, and when racist Zionist Herzl Israel was founded Stalin let destroy all Yiddish culture and performed the russification of the Jews. Yiddish was spoken for a long time yet]].

[Lenin sees Jewry as religion and not as a nation - assimilationist Lenin fighting against national racist Zionist manipulated Jews and their racist national Hebrew institutions - Jewish Communist party sections created]

<YEVSEKTSIYA (plural Yevsektsii), Jewish sections of the propaganda department of the Russian Communist Party from 1918 to 1930.

*Lenin, the founder and leader of the Communist Party, denied that the Jews were a living nation and saw assimilation as the progressive solution to the Jewish problem in Russia. This view gained currency in party circles as a result of the debate between the Russian Social-Democrats and the *Bund at the beginning of the 20th century.

When the Communist Party took power in November 1917, however, it was faced with the fact that millions of Jews, speaking their own language and maintaining their own social institutions, existed in Russia, and with the necessity of establishing some temporary agency to deal with them until such time as they had assimilated among their neighbors.

In January 1918 a "Jewish Commissariat" headed by S. *Dimanstein was created, and Jewish sections (Yevsektsii) [[of the Communist party]] were organized in local party branches on the model of the national sections which were then being established to direct party work among other non-Russian peoples.

[The goal of Yevsektsiya: to destroy the racist Zionist Jewish institutions - to convert racist Zionists into good Jewish  Communists]

The first conference of the Jewish sections and representatives of the Jewish Commissariat in the provinces took place in Moscow in October 1918; their function was defined as the propagandizing of Yiddish-speaking workers and the establishment of the "dictatorship of the proletariat" among the Jews. It was strongly emphasized that the Jewish sections had no national goals and that Yiddish was to be simply regarded as a necessary means of communication with the Jewish masses, on no account valuable in itself. The conference decided on "systematic destruction of [[racist]] Zionist and bourgeois institutions", with the kehillot hadarim (ḥadarim), Hebrew schools, and [[racist]] Zionist parties heading the list.

A central bureau headed by S. Dimanstein was elected. At the second conference, which was attended by representatives of communist parties and related organizations from the Ukraine and Belorussia, economic activity among the Jews was decided upon. The essential aim of this economic activity was the cooperative organization of "semi-proletarian elements" (i.e.,craftsmen and artisans), and the mass settlement on the land of erstwhile Jewish merchants, deprived of their means of livelihood by the revolution.

During the same year a considerable proportion of the Jewish left-wing parties joined the Jewish sections as organized bodies or as individuals. At the third conference (July 1920), which represented 1,743 active members, 34 of the 84 delegates were erstwhile Bundists, 11 were previously United Socialists ("Fareynikte") [[Yidd.: Union]], and 7 were previously members of *Po'alei Zion [["Zion Workers", racist Zionist Labor party]]. The heads of the Jewish sections kept a close watch on the ex-members of these Jewish parties to see that no hint of their Jewish national allegiance was introduced into their new party work. Fear of being accused of [[racist]] "nationalistic and Zionist deviations" was so pervasive in the Jewish sections that they were wary of endorsing [[approving]] any comprehensive plan for Jewish rehabilitation in Russia, , even when put forward by such outstanding Communist leaders as Kalinin, Smidovich, and *Larin.

The third conference decided that the Jewish sections were no more than "technical [Communist] Party tools". At this time head offices were established in the Ukraine and Belorussia. Active in the Jewish sections besides Dimanstein were A. Merezhin, M. *Rafes, M. *Frumkin ("Esther"), M. Levitan, M. *Litvakov, A. *Tshemeriski, and M. Kipper.

[The liquidation actions of racist national and Zionist institutions - creation of Yiddish Jewish culture]

[[There are missing details about the liquidation, processes, Gulag penalties, relegations and torture in the criminal "Soviet Union". These details are missing because Zionist Encyclopaedia Judaica from 1971 has obviously the political line to see the "SU" as a "liberator" from Nazism and does not want to criticize the Communists with their criminal Gulag system...]]

With the help of government agencies, the police, and the internal security forces, the Yevsektsiya initiated and (col. 779)

executed the liquidation of Jewish kehillot [[congregations, community councils]], the confiscation of synagogue buildings, the closing of yeshivot [[religious Torah schools]], hadarim [[small Jewish schools, Jewish religious school to age of 13]], and Hebrew schools, the closing of libraries, and the banning of books. They fought the remnants of Jewish [[racist Zionist]] political and cultural organizations to the bitter end (*He-Halutz (He-Ḥalutz), *Habimah [[the stage]], Left Po'alei Zion [["Zion Workers", racist Zionist Labor party]]) or attempted to take them over (Kultur Lige, *ORT [["Society for Manual and Agricultural Work among Jews"]]).

The destruction of the existing [[racist Zionist]] Jewish framework was accompanied by attempts to create

-- a Jewish Communist culture;
-- a Jewish press in Yiddish, headed by the dailies Der Emes [[The Truth]] (Moscow), Der Shtern [[The Star]] (Kharkov), and Oktyabr [[October]] (Minsk), which had a circulation of 27,000 at the end of the 1920s, was founded;
-- publishing houses which printed books in tens of thousands of copies were established;
-- a network of primary and secondary schools was created;
-- and a few departments of Jewish culture were even created in institutions of higher learning.

[Integration work into "Soviet" industrialization and agriculture - damnification of racist nationalist Zionism]

In 1924 the Jewish sections were made responsible for integrating "classless elements" into the [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet economic system by directing them to industrial and agricultural labor. A public company "OZET" ("Land Cultivation Company") was set up under the direction of the Jewish sections to assist in the Jewish settlement project. Cultural work was intensified, and Yiddish became the official language in trade unions and youth and women's organizations with a predominantly Jewish membership.

Attempts were made to adapt [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet institutions in towns with large Jewish populations in order to serve the Jewish public in their mother tongue. The Jewish sections were also made responsible for bringing the problems involved in their activities among the Jewish population before the central and local Communist Party committees. Territorial programs for Jewish settlement on the land were put forward; this culminated in the proclamation of *Birobidzhan in the Far East as an area of Jewish settlement (1928).

[[There were Jewish ministers in the Stalin administration and they started all these projects for Jewish integration in to the Soviet society]].

Contrary to their initial "technical" program, the Jewish sections began to serve also as consolidatory factors in Jewish life. At the council of Jewish sections in 1926 a struggle between different trends took place. The council expressed reservations both with regard to the assimilationists in the Communist party, who saw any separate work among the Jewish population as a nationalist deviation, and with regard to those who saw the work of the Jewish sections as "a way of preserving the Jewish people"; it redefined the sole function of the Jewish sections as the introduction of socialism among the Jewish masses.

[[A part of this was right, because Jewry was a religion and not a nation, and racist Zionism should not take all Jews into an eternal war with the Arabs in Palestine which was already going on there with racist Zionist terror organizations and Arab defense. But the Gulag and prison conditions for the disfranchised Jews are missing in the article. Encyclopaedia Judaica never mentions the word "Gulag"...]]

[Jewish agricultural settlements - integration in Soviet industry]

While the revolution had created the conditions for the agricultural settlement of Jews and the consolidation of some of them as a separate national unit in a separate territory [[with the racist Zionist option to settle in Palestine later and to be the base of the new racist "Jewish State"]], the great majority of Jews were to find the (col. 780)

solution to their social and economic problems in the transition to heavy industry, and were inevitably to assimilate among the masses of non-Jewish workers. When Soviet policy swung leftward at the end of the 1920s, the fate of the Jewish sections was sealed. In January 1930, within the contest of the general liquidation of the national sections of Communist Party institutions in the [[criminal Gulag]] Soviet Union, it was decided to liquidate the Jewish sections. Jewish section activists in practice continued to work among the Jewish population until 1934, but the scope of their work became more and more limited.

[Liquidation of the Jewish branch Yevsektsiya of the Communist party in the 1930s - liquidation of the Jewish institutions in the 1940s]

The imprisonment and liquidation of Jewish section activists, which began in 1934, continued until the late 1930s, and was accompanied by the gradual liquidation of educational and cultural institutions and other achievements of Jewish autonomy; their liquidation was completed by the end of the 1940s.

[[After the foundation of racist Zionist Herzl Israel when it came out that racist Zionist Herzl Israel was an ally of the "USA" and of CIA, Stalin felt encircled by "US" allies (Europe, racist Zionist Free Mason CIA Herzl Israel, India, and Japan), and by this Stalin stopped all Jewish institutions in his criminal Gulag "SU". The Jews went into a "russification", and step by step also all synagogues were converted into store houses in the 1950s and 1960s. Yiddish was spoken for a long time yet until the 1980s]].


-- S. Agurski: Der Yidisher Arbeter in der Komunistisher Bavegung (1925)
-- Alfarbandishe Baratung fun di Yidishe Sektsies fun der AKP (b) (1926)
-- S. Agurski: Di Yidishe Komisariatn un di Yidishe Komunistishe Sektsies (1928)
-- N. Gergel: Di Lage fun di Yidn in Rusland (1929)
-- M.G. Rafes: Orcherki istorii yevreyskogo rabochego dvizheniya (1929), 217-54
-- B. Slutski: Leksikon fun Politishe un Fremd-Verter (1929), 78-83
-- S. Agurski, in: Bolshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, 24 (1932), 337-8
-- J. Lestschinsky: Ha-Yehudim be-Rusyah ha-Sovyetit (1943)
-- S.M. Schwarz: The Jews in the Soviet Union (1951), 100-1
-- M. Altshuler: Reshit ha-Yevsektsiya, 1918-1921 (1966).

[Y.S.]> (col. 781)

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
                          Yevsektsiya, vol. 16, col. 779-780
Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Yevsektsiya, vol. 16, col. 779-780

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971):
                          Yevsektsiya, vol. 16, col. 781

Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971): Yevsektsiya, vol. 16, col. 781

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