Secret architecture of extraterrestrials - photo protocol 5. Stonehenge - 6. Royal Mile, foot and planets - 7. Stonehenge, the quarry and islands - Newton and his 33
5. Stonehenge - secret geometry: 5:12 triangle, 7 -- 6. Mile and foot and Earth -- 7. Stonehenge, the quarry and islands - Newton and his 33
Station stones rectangle of Stonehenge with 5:12 proportion - Stonehenge, the directions of the station stones rectangle with the seasons, moon, and sun
Map with Stonehenge and Caldey Island showing a distance of a 12.369 proportion - this is the number of full moons per year -
Newton's temperature scale with 33 degrees from freezing to boiling water - 33 is the highest grade of criminal Freemasonry
5. Stonehenge - secret geometry - 5:12 triangle, 7 pointed star, number 1234 between Stonehenge and Lundy Island -- New York with a triangle in Central Park like Stonehenge -- Stonehenge: the original proportion 5:12 -- Stonehenge: William Stukeley and druids for Freemasonry -- Stonehenge: 7 pointed star and Isis -- Distances: Stonehenge - Avebury - Silbury Hill -- Stonehenge, Avebury monument and Silbury Hill monument - numbers with sun, moon, and cube of Isis -- Stonehenge and it's quarry in Preseli Hills in Wales apr. 130 Miles away -- Number 1234: Stonehenge - Lundy Island 123.4 Miles -- Triangle Stonehenge - Preseli Hills quarry - Lundy Island: 5:12 -- Stonehenge copies in the world - criminal Satanist Freemasons and Illuminati installing their power symbols - e.g. in Peru in Lima -- 6. Mile and foot and moon and Earth - numbers 3456, 108, 528 -- The mile and Stonehenge: 108 Royal Miles = 123.4 Statute Miles -- Number 108: Earth, religions, moon etc. -- Moon and number 108: radius 1080 Royal Miles -- Foot and Earth: 360 degreesx365.242 days x foot x 1,000 = Earth's circumference -- Mile and Earth: 12 with potency 5 by 10 Miles = Earth's circumference -- The English Foot is the origin of the ancient measuring system -- 7. Stonehenge Caldey Island - Newton and his 33 -- Stonehenge: Lundy Island+Caldey Island: 3:2 - Stonehenge-Caldey Island=12.369 = number of full moons per year -- Newton: his temperature scale and number 33
from: Video: Secrets in Plain Sight 1-23 (full video), written, narrated and produced by architect Scott Onstott (3h 43min.)
presented by Michael Palomino (2016)
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5. Stonehenge - secret geometry - 5:12 triangle, 7 pointed star, number 1234 Stonehenge+Lundy Island
New York with a triangle in Central Park like Stonehenge
There is the question why the founding fathers linked the placement of Central Park with Washington and Stonehenge (57min.52sec.). Well, because Stonehenge is the "heart of the mystery":
Direct line from Washington DC to Stonehenge - The direct line from Washington DC to Stonehenge is crossing Central Park in New York City in a 5:12 proportion
Stonehenge: the original proportion 5:12
At Stonehenge Memorial the rectangle between the station stones is depicting a 5:12 proportion like in Washington DC and in Central Park in New York City (58min.45sec.). This proportion in Stonehenge is the oldest known example of it and from Stonehenge this proportion comes from (58min.51sec.).
Stonehenge in Wiltshire in South England - Stonehenge, stones and circles
Station stones rectangle of Stonehenge with 5:12 proportion - Stonehenge, the directions of the station stones rectangle with the seasons, moon, and sun
The station stones are depicting astronomical phenomena with Earth, moon and sun, and these data were fixed as festivities in the Celtic calendar (58min.59sec.).
(book of Robin Heath: Sun, Moon & Stonehenge. Blue Stone Press - ISBN 0952615177 (58min.59sec.)
Stonehenge: William Stukeley and druids for Freemasonry
William Stukeley (1687-1765) was one of the founder of the archeologic works in Stonehenge. Stukeley claimed that Freemasonry was a legacy of the druids, and the druids got their knowledge from the "ancient Egyptians" (59min.21sec.).
Stonehenge: 7 pointed star and Isis
Stonehenge is built in a 7 pointed star. The number 7 is the secret number of Isis in New York City [Statue of Liberty is Isis] (59min.36sec.).
When Stonehenge was completed the Egyptian civilization was at it's top, so these two developments were at the same time (59min.46sec.). Archeology has not found any common element of Celts and Egypt, but the possibility of exchange of data is real (59min.54sec.).
Distances: Stonehenge - Avebury - Silbury Hill
Stonehenge, Avebury monument and Silbury Hill monument - numbers with sun, moon, and cube of Isis
Other monuments in the region of Stonehenge are in Avebury and Silbury Hill just in a short distance from Stonehenge. Archeologists say Avebury and Silbury Hill were built at the same time like Stonehenge - "approximately 5,000 years ago" (1h0min.9sec.).
In the book of Robin Heath / John Michell: The lost science of measuring the earth. Discovering the Sacred Geometry of the Ancients (Adventures Unlimited Press) the authors Heath and Michell describe striking relationships between Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill (1h0min.20sec.). The distance data are in direct connection with moon and sun:
-- distance Stonehenge-Silbury Hill: 864,000 feet - sun's diameter: 864,000 Miles (99,9% accuracy) (1h0min.35sec.)
The distance from Stonehenge to Silbury Hill is just 864,000 feet - The diameter of the sun is 864,000 Royal Miles (Edinburgh-Meile)
-- distance from the 51º north latitude to the latitude of Stonehenge: 10.8 Egyptian Royal miles - medium radius of the moon: 1080 miles (99,94% accuracy) (1h0min.50sec.)
The distance of Stonehenge from the 51º Latitude is 10.8 Egyptian Royal Miles - The moon radius (average) is 1080 Royal Miles
-- distance from Stonehenge latitude to Avebury latitude: 17.28 Miles - this is the symbol for the cube in Washington DC 1728 (1h1min.0sec.).
-- the latitude of Avebury is 360/7º north - so this is like a circle in 7 parts which is the 7 pointed star of Stonehenge which is the 7 pointed star of Isis (1h1min.12sec.).
So Stonehenge (10.8 Miles from the 51º Latitude), Avebury (17.28 Miles resp. 864,000 feet from Stonehenge) and Silbury Hill (on 360/7º north Latitude) contain numbers of the sun, of the moon, of the cube and of the star of Isis TOGETHER (1h1min.23sec.).
The distances around Stonehenge with data from sun, moon, cube of Washington DC and 7 pointed star (Isis Star)
Stonehenge and it's quarry in Preseli Hills in Wales apr. 130 Miles away
The quarry in the Preseli Hills where the big "blue stones" of Stonehenge come from is far away in West Wales and the transportation over apr. 130 Miles cannot be explained (1h1min.56sec.).
[Extraterrestrials were like in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia].
Map: the distance from Stonehenge to the bluestone quarry of Preseli [in Wales] is about 130 Miles - one of the two bluestone quarries for Stonehenge in Wales [1]
[Extraterrestrials built pyramids and Stonehenge like the temple of Tiahuanaco in today's Bolivia at Titicaca Lake where the quarry is also far away. The extraterrestrials played with stones].
And now comes one more mystery about distances:
Number 1234: Stonehenge - Lundy Island 123.4 Miles
The distance between Stonehenge and Lundy Island is 123.4 Miles (1h2min.25sec.).
-- Statute Mile=5280 Feet (1h2min.31sec.)
-- 123.4 Statute Miles = 108 Royal Miles (1h3min.17sec.).
And there is one more strange thing:
Triangle Stonehenge - Preseli Hills quarry - Lundy Island: 5:12
-- the triangle between Stonehenge, Preseli Hills quarry and Lundy Island is - in the proportions of 5:12 (1h2min.51sec.)
-- the rectangle between Stonehenge, Presely Hills quarry and Lundy Island is 2,500 times larger than the rectangle of Stonehenge (1h2min.56sec.)
The "Lundy Rectangle":
The rectangel being formed between Stonehenge, Lundy Island and the Preseli Bluestone Quarry has the proportions 5:12 like the Stonehenge Rectangle,
and it's exactly 2500 times bigger than the Stonehenge Rectangle
Scott Onstott means, "this is the greater temple" (1h2min.59sec.).
And the distances in the "Lundy rectangle" fit old Egyptian measure (1h3min.4sec.).
And now comes another surprise - this time from Lima:
Stonehenge copies in the world - criminal Satanist Freemasons and Illuminati installing their power symbols - e.g. in Peru in Lima
There are many secret Stonehenge copies in the world without being aware of it, for example
There is a Stonehenge copy in the center of Lima in the fountain park
In Lima a Stonehenge copy can be found in the Fountain Park "Park of the Reserve" ("Parque de la Reserva")["Park of the Reserve" in Lima (Wikipedia)], see this Stonehenge copy in Lima in google maps["Park of the Reserve" in Lima with a Stonehgne copy on google maps, coordinates -12.0709454,-77.0362183,640m/]. The Stonehenge circle is called "Magic Fountain" ("Fuente Mágica") and is a giant fountain with fountain plays for everybody. The added "Mall" being called "Magic Water Circuit" ("Circuito Mágico del Agua") is a giant fountain of about 100m of length where fountain plays with colored lights and music are going on and nobody is getting aware that this "Mall" is a pointing directly to satanic Free Mason center Roslin in Scotland (!). With google earth one can control it: the "Mall" is pointing directly to Roslin.
And the fountains 3 and 11 are Celtic Crosses.
Lima, the fountain park with a copy of Stonehenge, the "Mall" is appointing directly to Roslin in Scotland, and there are two more fountains in form of a Celtic Cross, and also a pyramid fountain can be found - nothing is Peruvian here!
The Peruvian population is NOT informed about this great fraud that the fountains are Satanist Freemasonry Illuminati fountains.
More Stonehenge copies in the world
I am sure there are many other Stonehenge copies in the world manipulating the conciousness worldwide. In the Wikipedia main article this fake Stonehenge in Lima is not mentioned (yet).
6. Mile and foot and moon and Earth - numbers 3456, 108, 528
The mile and Stonehenge: 108 Royal Miles = 123.4 Statute Miles
In the book of Richard Heath: Sacred Number. Ancient origins of civilization (Publisher: Inner Traditions - ISBN: 1594771316) Richard Heath states clearly that
123.4 Statute Miles = 108 Royal Miles (1h3min.17sec.).
Miles are no arbitrary distance:
-- the distance between Stonehenge and Lundy Island is 108 Royal Miles (1h3min.19sec.)
-- this is the same unit of Edinburgh and in Washington DC (1h3min.20sec.)
-- the polar radius of the Earth is 3456 Royal Miles (1h3min.25sec.)
-- 108 Royal Miles = 1/32 of the polar radius (3456 Royal Miles) (1h3min.28sec.).
108 Royal Miles (the distance between Stonehenge and Lundy Island) are 1/32 of the Earth's polar radius
It seems that the location of Stonehenge was not chosen first, but first Lundy Island and the quarry were chosen and only then the location of Stonehenge was defined (1h3min.40sec.).
[Or the extraterrestrials chose the location of Stonehenge and let rise Lundy Island].
Number 108: Earth, religions, moon etc.
We saw: 108 Royal Miles = 1/32 of the Earth's polar radius (3456 Royal Miles) (1h3min.28sec.).
This number 108 is element of many religions:
-- terrorist Church is using the number 108 for "prayer beans" in the holey rosary making 108 recitations (1h3min.59sec.)
-- Hindus, Buddhists and Jains use prayer necklaces with 108 beans making 108 recitations (1h4min.33sec.)
Moon and number 108: radius 1080 Royal Miles
Medium radius of the moon is 1080 Miles (1h4min.46sec.). The moon was always element of the religions, and the assigned metal is silver. Just by coincidence silver has an atomic weight of 108 g/mol (1h5min.2sec.).
Lunar radius is 1080 Royal Miles - Silver has an atomic weight of 108 gr per mol, at the same time the lunar radius is 1080 Royal Miles - just a coincidence
Foot and Earth: 360 degreesx365.242 days x foot x 1,000 = Earth's circumference
Michell and Heath prove that the foot is derived from the Earth's circumference (1h5min.13sec.).
Equatorial circumference is: 360,000 x 365.242 x foot (accuracy 99.994% IERS 2003 value) (1h5min.35sec.).
Thus: 1 foot x 360º (degrees of the circle) x 365.242 (number of days in a year) x 1,000 = Earth's circumference (1h5min.38sec.).
Degrees of a circle x 1,000 (360,000) x number of days (365,242) x foot is the Earth's circumference - so the foot is taken from the Earth
Old legends tell that the "foot" was taken from big foots of kings (1h5min.50sec.). Today it's sure: the person who invented the foot knew about the circumference of the Earth. The precision is 99.994% (as compared with the 2003 value from the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) (1h5min.58sec.).
This precision of measuring was reached by humans only in 1995 when GPS satellite system started (1h6min.10sec.).
Mile and Earth: 12 with potency 5 by 10 Miles = Earth's circumference
Meridian circumference of the Earth = 125 divided by 10 miles (accuracy 99.7%) (1h6min.26sec.).
There is a resident key 528. The "Statute Mile" is 5280 feet (1h6min.36sec.).
Solfeggio frequency of the ancient solfeggio in ancient religious music is 528 Hz (1h6min.46sec.).
The English Foot is the origin of the ancient measuring system
John Meal explains in his book "All done with mirrors. An exploration of measure proportion ratio and number" that the English foot was the root of the ancient system (1h7min.19sec.). The English Foot was the base for all other measuring units:
English Foot -> Statute Mile (English Foot x 5280) - Royal Foot -> Royal Mile (Royal Foot x 5280) - Common Foot (6/7 of Royal Foot) etc. (1h7min.26sec.)
Also the Royal Foot was the base for more measuring units:
Royal Foot - Royal Cubit (3/2x Royal Foot) - Standard Cubit (Petrie's Cubit, 441/440 Royal Cubit) - Canonical Cubit (176/175 Standard Cubit) (1h7min.34sec.).
7. Stonehenge, the quarry and islands 5:12 - Newton and his 33
Stonehenge: Lundy Island+Caldey Island: 3:2 - Stonehenge-Caldey Island=12.369 = number of full moons per year
On Caldey Island there is a very old Priory (convent) Church (1h7min.54sec.). The church is built over an ancient menhir (1h7min.57sec.).
Caldey Island priory church [2] - Map with Stonehenge, Preseli Quarry, Lundy Island and Caldey Island
The distances are 3:2: Lundy Island - Caldey Island=3 - Caldey Island - Preseli Bluestone quarry=2. 3:2 is a very musical proportion of the fifth, the most fundamental interval in music (1h8min.7sec.).
Stonehenge - Lundy Island=12
Stonehenge - Caldey Island=12.369= radical of 153
Stonehenge - Preseli Bluestone quarry=13 (1h8min.20sec.).
The number of 153 can be found in the Louvre Pyramid [in Paris] and in the [fantasy] Bible. And 12.369 is the number of full moons in a year (1h8min.46sec.).
Map with Stonehenge and Caldey Island showing a distance of a 12.369 proportion - this is the number of full moons per year
All in all the humans of the neolithic times did not have the mathematical knowledge to make calculations like this. So somebody other from outside [extraterrestrials] did the mathematics for them (1h9min.25sec.). The builder of Stonehenge had great architects from outside (1h10min.7sec.).
[Stonehenge was built by extraterrestrials, also the pyramids, as Tiahuanaco, as Machu Picchu, as Sacsayhuamán, as the sculptures of Eastern Island].
Newton: his temperature scale and number 33
Isaac Newton was working on the gravity formula (1h10min.19sec.). He could calculate the volume of the Earth, and he was also a practicing alchemist [chemist] (1h10min.39sec.). Newton was the first measuring temperature with a liquid in a tube defining freezing and boiling levels of water (1h10min.50sec.). Newton created a scale from 0 to 33 degrees (1h10min.58sec.).
[Such a coincidence: number 33 is the highest degree of the Freemasons and Illuminati for destructive activities].
Newton's temperature scale with 33 degrees from freezing to boiling water - 33 is the highest grade of criminal Freemasonry - as [fantasy] Jesus was killed with 33
[Isaac is a Jewish name from fantasy Torah - Freemasonry is playing well].
From 1691 to 1727 Newton was also one of the Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion connection (1h11min.11sec.).
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Photo sources
[1] One of the two bluestone quarries for Stonehenge in Wales:
[2] Photo of the Priory Church of Caldey Island: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caldey_Island